Tuesday, November 13, 2007

blogging from Mobile Asia Congress

Yesterday we had our pitching session, 6 minutes presentation in front of an audience of other innovators, journalists, carriers and handsets manufactures representatives, etc.

Today we has the speed dating session with carriers and VC reprensentatives inside the Mobile Innovation Programme and tomorrow we will attend at our booth.

We promise further coverage after event, but just as an appetizer our booth-pic :-)

solaiemes team

Saturday, November 3, 2007

now...taking off...!!!

When coming from a multinational huge company, it is difficult to become entrepreneur with not initial VC backing your project, and it is a difficult change not only regarding financial risk but working enviroment. Working in facilities with 300 colleagues and the day after working alone, or with 1 or 2 people, it was hard at the beginning, but the week ending we had our first town-hall with more than 10 people, partners, employees, thesis developers and Java university researchers involved with our project. I was happy, even realizing that till now tidy office is now being under the entrophy :-) and then some kind of combat will take place between jedi's and dark side of the mess.

But the important thing is that Solaiemes is taking off, we attract talent, we got clients, our technologies are being recognized, and the critical mass point is being achieved.

Solaiemes team

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Solaiemes innovation being recognized !

It is hard to start-up a company from scratch, you know... finding right partners, recruiting enthusiastic people, making the business plan, reviewing the business plan, correcting the business plan ;-), research funds, bureaucracy, develope fast first prototypes of product portfolio, the challenge of getting first customers, got customers happy after trusting us.

Just arriving to our first "birthday" we just received the good new about being selected as a 'Top Innovator' for the GSMA's Mobile Innovation Summit at Asian Mobile Congress in Macau (12-13/November).

We will be showcasing our LiveServe VideoShare Suite 1.0 line of products and participation in the pitching session.

our PR: http://www.solaiemes.com/index.php?id=45

and the website of event

We will post our comments about the event, mobile trends we watch from the global exhibition during the event.

solaiemes team