Friday, July 20, 2007

Good News !!! AT&T launchs Video Share IMS based service

At least a very good new in the IMS industry, AT&T (formerly named Cingular) launched in several US cities the commercial service of Video Share.

The link to press release is

and their specific website

the pity is they only talk about use cases mobile to mobile.

Remember please that video share has a lot of amazing use cases mobile-to-server and server-to-mobile to be offered to your customers (public security, enterprise, media companies and even personal blogging services)

juan mateu

Thursday, July 19, 2007

How important is the corporate Website?

We are being mentored by investors or public institutions mentoring pilots. One of the concerns is about sales & marketing and the right website style according our company vision. As we do technology we tried to reproduce the technology company style, but as we talk about new ways to do mobile marketing and CRM they asked us to introduce more "pic" component. As responsible soldiers we did. New look:

and we tried to "improve" texts, introduce diagrams to our product description pages to make easier to understand the architectures where our "boxes" are adding new capabilities.

As usual, any comment, suggestion will be more than welcome. Opinions and comments about the role of the website in the corporate brand policies, influence in own marketing, etc, more than welcome also

the Solaiemes team

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Start-up. Analysts, VC and focus !!!

After several posts regarding technology and mobility trends we come back to post about the start-upping road.
The subject today is how to face the "rules of VC and analysts". When Venture Capital people or just possible customers/analysts visit our website or read our BP they say:

..."you have to many products/solutions" ..."you should focus in one thing"

Even when asking for advice using social networks as LinkedIn we notice a lot of people sharing this view: "it is needed a very sharp defined focus"

It is hard to explain that our product is Mobility, (know-how and technology for mobility). To create more mobility use cases we build some technology and to make easier other existing mobile cases we build some other technology, and to help carriers, MVNO's and other companies to extend mobility we offer consultancy....

And ALL is our product, SOLAIEMES product is MOBILITY !!!

I understood the "rules" coming from VC firms are based on their experience and we respect that, but when reading BPs we should abstract the "idea" from the implementations, our "idea" needs several legs, but the idea is ONE.

juan mateu :-)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Wireless, the acronyms soup !

We work now around core network and services enabling platforms, but our past was linked to wireless access technologies as gsm, 3G, and HSxPA, new radio access network are being developed, we just found a very interesting and useful article/port to understand frequency bands, distance and bandwith for legacy, current and soon coming wireless technologies. We place this link to the post of Padmasree Warrior Blog, hope you find it useful.