Wednesday, December 29, 2010

From 2010 to 2011, facts & dreams :-)

This post with "postcard" is just to summarize our year, introduce the next year goals, and wish a happy new year 2011 to all our customers, partners, fans and people who trust us.

Our 2010 was a challenging year. We faced some challenges and changes in our structure and new very talented people come on board, to our ship.
The "telco" sales cycle allowed "finally" to start monetizing our LiveServe product line and hope we can disclose some live deployments of video use cases for emergencies soon. We are comitted to the video and believe the RCS VideoShare will bring amazing possibilities from the live video from/to mobile.
Also, the 2010 was the year when we realize of the huge possibilities of RCS (Rich Communication Suite) to delight carriers customers and focus in help this technology to be more open and more ubiquitous, to help to succeed it with a win-win-win (carriers, developers, users). In just 12 months we got some intersting partnership in the messaging area, actively participated in the events to boost this technology and shorlisted finalist in the GSMA RCS DevChallenge in the innovation category and just we are crossing fingers and working hard to perfom well in the final during the Mobile World Congress.

Hope to find all of being lucky this coming 2011 as we will try to do :-)
The Solaiemes team.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

RCS Web for iPhone & iPad.

In this video we are showcasing how RCS Thin Client Server is providing customized layouts to fit the screens of the cooles devices (smartphones and tablets).
We think carriers can not be under "manufacturer approval dependency" to deliver enhanced messaging (Rich Communication Suite) to their subscribers. The same user experience can be delivered with HTML+Javascript, clients should be URL. If telco and OTT spaces are converging, and OTT are being very innovative and competitive moving to the telco space, the carriers should move in same way (innovation) to also have their own "OTT style offering" :-)

What do you think?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Solaiemes, finalist in the GSMA RCS DevChallenge

Just to say Solaiemes has been shorlisted as Finalist in the innovation category of the GSMA RCS DevChallenge. The competition took place in the GSMA headquarter in London and the final will take place in Barcelona during the Mobile World Congress next February. The jury is composed by selected representatives of leading carriers and top telco infrastructure suppliers.
We feel encouraged to work hard to attend the Barcelona final with new features added to our platforms and try to surprise there, not only to the jury, but MWC visitors.
Congrats to other finalist in all categories, and all the entrants, all together are working to push RCS, the technology that will enable the rich mobility for the masses.
Thx :-)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Social Media Plug, a single phonebook contact is enough to connect with your social networks.

Here, just to unveil a new use case implemented with the RCS Solution Gateway API. It si a Social Media Connector, we labeled it plug because a single contact in your phonebook is ok to access diferent social networks, with simple commands you can update the status & retrieve the wall in Facebook, and tweet and retrieve the timeline in Twitter just using RCS Chat, and upload pics to Facebook just using RCS File Transfer. No apps are needed and mid-tier device is ok. Carriers should realize that common telco enablers are useful to access the OTT world :-)

feedback welcomed.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

GSMA opens YouTube Channels to promote RCS

Happy to see that GSMA is promoting actively Rich Communication Suite (RCS) and also created a YouTube Channel with videos from the vendors and from the RCS events of past 12 months.
Our demos showcasing the possibilities of RCS through openness and ubiquity have been also included. Thanks  :-)
Hope 2011 will be the year when we could see the MNO's definetively embracing this technology to keep a key role in the communications evolutions, and start seeing MNO's to launch offers more "OTT" like. We will try to help MNO's to in their change !!!