Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Solaiemes will attend Rich Communications 2012 and GSMA events in Berlin next week

Solaiemes will attend next week 2 events in Berlin. On 6-7 November the Rich Communication 2012 event by Informa Telecom and Media and the joyn Innovation Challenge workshop by the GSMA.

In the Rich Communication 2012 event Juan Mateu, our co-founder will participate as panelist in the panel "Analysing the future for RCS as a mass market service – how to maximise return on investment" and will explain our view about making RCS-e / joyn the first messaging alternative conceived "as a platform" to deliver use cases on top  by 3rd parties thanks to the API.

Also we will attend the workshop about the joyn Innovation Accelerator. We posted about it.

Developers, no matter where they are based, now can have access to a live joyn system and familiarize with the API to explore the possibilities of using the messaging as a platform and creating their own proof of concept of services.
Solaiemes is a technology partner of the joyn Innovation Accelerator.

For us it is very relevant that joyn will have network API (telco API) from the beginning, it could help to boost innovation around the RCS in the same way that it was done with SMS in the past with the SMS gateways and today is being done with compelling APIs.

We promise to blog back about the highlights of both events :-)

If you are going to attend whatever of these events and want to meet us, drop us a email or tweet and we will contact you.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

joyn TV experience. Adding value to the home phone line.

We are happy to show the joyn TV experience. With our RCS-e API from RCS-e Thin Client Server we created an Smart TV App joyn client (using the Samsung Smart TV Hub for Samsung TVs). In the video you can see how even fix carriers can use the home phone number to add media and IP messaging trough the "big screen".
Why not calling your mum after reaching a high summit after hours of hiking and just share your landscape from there on her big TV?

Credits: Solaiemes RCS Thin Client Server API, Silta Neusoft Mobile joyn Client and Samsung Smart TV Hub 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

joyn Innovation Challenge, the GSMA competition for mobile & web apps developers.

The GSMA has announced the joyn Innovation Challenge, an initiative to encourage innovation based on joyn.
Developers will have the opportunity to use a real joyn enviroment and using the API build innovative use cases on top of the messaging experience. The best new ideas will be showcased on the GSMA’s exhibition stand at the Mobile World Congress.

Developers will have access to the joyn "Innovation Accelerator" a global access to a live GSMA Rich Communication Services (RCS) network where they create their own use cases on RCS APIs, Solaiemes is technology partner, see the banner :-), and test their use cases in a trusted and safe environment. GSMA explains in the website that the use of the Innovation Accelerator will be free and you do not have to enter the competition in order to use it. We consider this initative a very good move.

We want to highlight that API becomes key in joyn from the beginning and it means that joyn aims to be seen as a platform, our vision being evangelized the last years. It is great that the industry realizes that it is not about replicating telco version of great OTT messaging products that going beyond and creating an open platform based in a natural experience as the messaging.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why exposing RCS-e/joyn telco enabler as UNI API?

We are being asked about why exposing the telco enablers as UNI (user to network interface) API. Telcos need to understand the advantage of exposing their assets from the end-point point of view.
There are several reasons:

Avoid lock-in: if you expose the capabilities based directly on IMS and/or instant messaging server interfaces, some propietary shortcuts (and "optimizations") would be introduced and thus create lock-in. This forces that both core and API has to be provided by the same vendor and will be difficult to replace.

Security: when exposing RCS-e as end-point (virtual client) the user of the API can only do the same actions that a phone will do, no more. And subject to exactly the same security enforcement checks.

If the API application is behaving not properly, just removing the "user identity" of the application from the core using the same procedure as with a phone is enough.

Remember, in this way of exposure, the API and solutions using it are outside the SBC and then formally outside the network. Developers would be trusted as a phone would, with no extra security invesment over having the same number of "normal" users.

OSS/BSS savings: provisioning, billing, rating, etc. is done re-using the same systems in place for "normal" users. No need to create a different kind of users for applications in vendor-proprietary systems with a huge OSS/BSS investment. With UNI exposure an application uses an RCS-e user created in the same way as a "normal" user.

Cloud-based exposure: with UNI-based exposure, telcos can keep core (IMS, IM server) at their premises and adopt cloud based API exposure. Benefits: OPEX savings; shorter times to scale the API according to the usage requirements; possibility of offering the same API to several opcos or even resell to other operators, etc.

Standard compliance and testing: when RCS-e is exposed to 3rd parties as an UNI API, it behaves as client, there are no dependencies on what's inside the network. Once the API based virtual client interoperates with the device clients in the market it is clear that your API exposure will be allowing to create 100% RCS-e/joyn compatible solution on top.

For those reason Solaiemes pioneered the UNI approach to expose RCS :-)
Feedback welcomed.