Saturday, March 28, 2009

Equality in Mobility User Experience, Is it a dream? No, it is a Right

Hi, 2 weeks ago we talk about a "mobile cloud" alternative to "mobile applications", today we want to show with a real demo how it is possible to provide very good user experience for mobile solutions in mid-tier devices, and it means to deliver "mobility value" for everybody. In this video we compare our network based solution with iPhone and a 3G device (not smartphone) and create for both the same multimodal experience based on browsing, voice call, Solaiemes AVISG usability platform and IVR/ASR/TTS SaaS capabilities from 3rd parties.

Obviously, smartphones have computing advantadges, larger display, touch, etc...but we must take in count that powerful 17" laptops are far away more capable than 9" netbooks and netbooks are beoming now (using browser as cloud based applications enabler) the perfect machine for most of use cases. This is the point we want to evangelize as new trend of mobility, common devices are enough for very rich experiences. Carriers, suppliers, content providers should work together to improve user experience for all mobile subscribers, Solaiemes in pushing for that :-)
feedback welcome

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

911 Emergencies Support Solution by Solaiemes

As previously announced LiveServe Solutions Framework was designed as horizontal infrastructure to build on the top customized vertical uses cases fitting the customer needs with little "customization effort".
We just released own vertical solutions based on LSF platform for 911 Emergencies crisis management (112 is the emergency number in other countries, i.e: Spain) improving the decision taking with live media from field and the capabilities of locating and real time sharing with 3rd parties using 3G streaming (911 Directors, all the chain management no in-situ at headquarters, etc). The solutions can be used also by Police Corps. Watch :-)

Citizens or 911 staff can report with live video (with 3G videocall or 3G videoshare, not needed on device additiona app) from the place where the emergency is being happened, 911/Police staff can see live, everything is being recorded, the records can be tagged, and located, if needed, sharing the emergency info in real time with management chain, it could be done by 3G streaming (not needed external applications).

We will keep informed of new vertical solutions based on our technologies, and we are eager to meet with 3rd parties interested in creating final vertical solutions for their customers based on LiveServe technology.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Solaiemes to exhibit at CTIA Wireless 2009

Hi, we are first time exhibiting at CTIA Wireless 2009 (Las Vegas, April 1-3rd). We are glad to participate in the US Wireless most important event. We will be located at stand 7502-K, in the Spanish Pavilion (ICEX) in the zone C3, find here the map.
We will be showcasing our demos in our both product lines:

- mobile usability, (mid tier devices multimodal interaction with now external clients), a preview here
- mobile&web multimedia (enterprise, law enforcement-emergencies and social media) use cases of videocall, videoshare and push-to-talk technologies, a preview here.

We are eager to establish partnership with local US & LATAM partners to distribute, integrate our technologies with theirs, and try to approach to US & LATAM 3G Carriers (America Móvil, AT&T Mobility, MetroPCS, T-Mobile, Movistar) CTO's and new services leads.
Hope to meet you there, if interested in scheduling a meeting in advance, contact us

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mobile cloud capabilities VS mobile applications

Lately, there is some "buzz" about 2 debates, initially independent but finally related. First one is related to the innovating capabilities around "the voice" in mobile and web services, and the other one is about the mobile application trend.
When discussing the topic of using "voice" to enhance user experience in mobile services people inmediately think in adding ASR/TTS capabilities to the handsets. This aproach in our opinion has 2 weaknesses: a) you are restricting "rich user experience" capabilities only to smartphones and it means reducing the critical mass of potential users and b) ASR/TTS capabilities as mobile app are far away less capable than server based. For navigate the mobile menu, address book, etc, could be ok, but not to be used in complex multimodal browsing by users using a "close to natural language".
The internet trend is reducing device capacities (less HD storage, slower processor, small display, RAM memory reduced) and using a common interface well known (the browser) to run most of "applications" needed in the cloud. (it took time but finally the Richard Ellison prediction comes true once the "network availability, bandwidth and prices are ok").
A lot of services can be offered as a service, using network infrastructure and making really simple launching services, because nothing to install at computer, no compatibility issues, etc. Companies with successful offering capacities or frameworks in the cloud include Amazon (EC2),, Voxeo, Google, etc...
In the other hand, mobility, the trend is just the opposite, identifying "rich user experience" with high tier smartphones (iPhone, Windows Mobile, Symbian, RIM, Palm, Android) and downloadable application from mobile stores. Why ????
If the mid tier devices are capable enough, with normal mobile enablers (voice, video, sms, browsing and ptt) properly combined you can create amazing use cases, and the price plans are becoming flat rate, we think mobility trend may align the personal computing trend as soon as possible.
If you can send live video to the web from a low tier 3G device why using an external application only available for smartphones?
If you can use your voice to browse you mobile banking site or google search combining voice call + browser using cloud services (Voxeo cloud IVR/ASR/TTS in this case using CCXML/VXML), why installing a thick client only available to few smartphone devices ?
Even being aware of amazing success of Apple Store, and next to be launched by RIM and Microsoft and Android, we encourage people to think about making things easier, and providing best mobile user experience to the big masses. We believe in the Henry Ford approach, give most of people the chance of becoming drivers, we want to deliver the "rich mobile user experience and capabilities" to everybody, not depending on choosing the expensive handsets. Is that disruptive?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

LiveServe, also to create mobile TV's :-)

Till now, we were talking about LiveServe platform as the ideal framework to manage incoming media from mobile and broadcasting and posting to the WEB 2.0, this is true but LiveServe is more than that.
The LiveServe MediaServer module is designed to distribute media to mobile using videocall, videoshare or RTSP streaming. Combining both capabilities we can create even end to end mobile TV, broadcasting live video from mobile to mobile customers using streaming. LiveServe MS also provides an API for ad insertion, creating playlist and defining the live source on demand to be sent.
Our final goal is provide best in class seamless media matrix. Hope online media will understand how they can "revolutionate" their offer, as they can make arrive online video-jornalism to their web users, and also to their mobile users.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

LiveServe Solutions Framework (LS 3.0)

We are please to announce our last release of our LiveServe platform. We unveiled it at MWC 2009. New features:

  • Support of VideoCall as live mobile incoming stream (to be added to the intially VideoShare feature supported)
  • Framework designed to create "tailored" solutions based on "skin look and feel changes"
  • Timeline and Geoview Media repository. Cell ID script, GPS and carrier LBS supported to get the location.
  • Live Windows exportable as iframe to other websites
  • Tagging/edit comments on posted media
  • Connectors to personal accounts of social media sites: YouTube, Blogger, OVI...
  • The web framework is also supporting VoIP audio from our VoxServe Push to Talk platform.
  • Live mobile video not only broadcasted using WEB, LiveServe is also providing 3G streaming to mobile devices.

The LiveServe Solution Framework become the ideal platform to build mobile/convergence added value use cases for online media, socia media, law enforcement, task reporting, emergencies...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our experience at MWC 2009

For second year we exhibited at Mobile World Congress 2009, at Innovation Zone. We are very happy, even the final number of the event this year was aproximately 5% less due to economic downturn, we received much more visitors than last year, and what is more important, very focused in understanding our products and the applications for their businesses.

We showcase our portfolio: our usability (multimodal interaction) platform (AVISG), VoxServe, the PTT platform to create compelling services using push to talk, and the LiveServe 3.0, our LiveServe Solution FrameWork to create added value use cases based on mobile video.
Carrier technologists and enterprise segments leaders, IT integrators, banking CIO's, start-ups possible partners...made impossible with their kind an positive visits to take a few minutes rest :-)
We were also visited by several VC partners and we expect we can get the funding round planned during this year to positionate Solaiemes as a mobility solutions infrastructure reference in the market.
Solaiemes booth was also visited by several IT/Telco Analysts and we were shocked this week when being mentioned in the Frost & Sullivan MWC Key Takeaways keynote (by Ronald Gruia). Update 7/March/2008. The keynote is now available at It is an easy to read/understand MWC highlights and foreseeing the trends summary.