Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Solaiemes launchs VOXSERVE, the push-to-talk services enabler platform

After months of very intensive work, we are glad to announce our new product line, VOXSERVE. Voxserve (release 1.0) is the platform to easily build up value added services based on push-to-talk technology (working with 2G and 3G devices, from low-mid tier to high tier).
Our platforms enables person-machine push-to-talk interaction delivering compelling experiencies beyond the primitive use cases of PTT (mobile to mobile voice, mobile to groups voice, and PTT dispatcher). Fortunately, the use cases we are enabling are not circuit switch cannibalizing revenues. Some applications but not all :-) include:

  • Mobile UserGeneratedContent: media-sharing audio sites, personal audio-diary, audio micro-blogging.
  • mobile CRM: one way CRM alerts, easy CRM interactions (question/answer), voice biometrics authentication. (easy integration with IVR and voice biometrics engines).
  • Mobile ERP/ECM: audio real time reporting, and task assignment.
  • Media: cost effective breaking news distribution method.

The VOXSERVE is OMA compliant, and works with OMA Push to Talk Server and device clients. In case of being interoperated with Nokia Siemens Network which matches OMA and Nokia PTT most of Nokia devices and mass market services become feasible.
We welcome PTT independent service providers using OMA servers, Mobile Carriers and MVNO and high intensive CRM enterprise (Banks, Utilities...), ERP SW companies, and media sites to trial our technology as an alternative CRM channel. Please, take a look to the video with demos, feedback desired.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Solaiemes joins KIS 100 Club, EU network of high growth potential Knowledge Intensive Services companies.

Solaiemes has been invited to join KIS 100 Club, part of the Knowledge Intensive Services - Innovation Platform (KIS-IP), a new initiative funded under Europe INNOVA, with the aim to accelerate the take-up of services innovations in Europe and form a community with the most interesting and successful companies in Europe with high growth potential in the KIS area.

The Club, which is accessible by invitation only, provides members with an opportunity to network with their peers and develop new co-operation partnerships with businesses from other sectors and markets. It also offers a good publicity platform and a forum to discuss common regulatory, technological and organisational issues with other companies. More information about the Club can be found in the brochure.

The KIS Innovation Platform, was initiated in February 2008 and has duration of 3 years. It will foster technological and non technological innovation in services whilst taking into account the dynamic interconnections between research, skills, entrepreneurship, finance and clusters and addressing the needs of high growth ventures active in KIS. The platform provides horizontal support services via online tools, informative resources and European KIS contests that aim to identify top European KIS SMEs as well as creating a dynamic community for mutual learning and exchange of practical experience.

The first KIS 100 Club summit will be hosted as part of the Europe INNOVA Conference 2008, at Lyon, France, 22-24 October 2008, we will post in the next days about our experiences there.

Follow our innovation trail in our blog and our twitter.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Our experience at the European Venture Contest

Solaiemes attended last Wednesday to Pamplona's semifinal of the European Venture Context, where the 30 semifinalist start-ups presented their projects to a group of experts and VCs competing for the 3 finalist postion for final round in Barcelona. The event was hosted by Caja Navarra , as usual with an excelent organization that enabled a perfect enviroment for networking.
Awarded as Finalist companies where:

They all will have the chance to defend their initiatives in Barcelona. Congratulations and good luck in the final round for all them. Their presentations were impressive.
Solaiemes did no so bad. We where ranked 9th and this possitions gives us the opportunity to present our project in the European Venture Summit that will take place in Dusseldorf on 1&2 December 2008.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ready4Growth seminars, very goog initiative !

Hi, Solaiemes was one of the companies attenting the Ready4Growth Seminar organized by Barcelona Activa for mobile/mobility companies. 2 days of very intensive training with a lot of pannels covering:

  • Funding (how to do elevator pitch, types of VC and BA, requirements, timing).
  • Building a team and how to complete management profiles.
  • Planning expansion (product, markets, etc)
  • Legal matters when launching a funding round.
  • Mobility trends explained by top carriers and mobile companies leaders
  • Positioning the company, getting awareness.

The final goal of the seminar is prepare companies to plan the expansion and prepare to start properly the funding rounds. In pareallel is a useful networking opportunity.
Firstly, we would thank Barcelona Activa to invite us and Unkasoft (advergaming), Madrid based companies :-), to attend the seminar (20 companies) , it was a good opportunity to meet Barcelona area entrepreneurs colleagues and perhaps we will find space to synergies and mutual collaboration soon.

All the subjets were covered with excelent pannelist, and the Parc Tecnologic de Barcelona Nord was a very nice place, typical building encouraging to innovate :-)

We encourage public institutions trying to promote entreprenership to continue with this important task, (last spring we attended a funding planning seminar organized by Madri+d) and cooperate to build a robust ecosystem.

Friday, October 10, 2008

"Solaiemes Innovating !" new Linkedin group

We want to know about you, your opinions about our work and about the industry. You can use the comments in this blogs, and from today on you can join our Linkedin group. We would like to discuss mobility trends, path to improve multimedia solutions, early adoption of new enablers, usability... Nice to listen the feedback from partners, customers, technologists, innovation experts, people who like or dislike the things we do and how we do :-)
Feel free to join, start discussions, comment in open subjects, invite colleagues to join also, etc
Next coming months will be challenging. Hope to see you there (and here)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Solaiemes at Mobile Monday Madrid

On September the 29th , we pitched 5 minutes during the Mobile Monday Madrid session Mobile Internet Platforms with Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! in front of a fully crowded audience (aprox 180 people at IE Business School Auditorium) of mobile industry, carriers and mobile start-up representatives, IE MBA candidates, and the panelists.
The pannelist were Enrique Dans, Professor of Information Systems and Techologies at IE Business School, José Antonio Martínez Aguilar (Director of the Telecom and Media Division at Google), Alex Romero (Director for Strategic Partnerships for Portugal, Spain and France at Yahoo Europe) and Iván Lozano (Mobile Manager at Microsoft Spain) . After the introduction by Enrique Dans (the role of Generation Y boosting mobility), the big players in the industry representatives explain their companies "vision/aproach" to "mobile internet". Very interesting points of view.

After that, 3 start-ups previously invited but not announced :-) pitched 5 minutes following the rules: 5 min, business casual and english language :-).

Diego Bartolome presented Tau with You, an incredible real time translation solutions for mobile, powerful to translate from/to oriental languages.

Rafa Casado, explained Tooio , a mobile and web focused community, with lot of potential in the field of LBS based advertisment.

We explained our vision about mobility, and try to convince the audience about the importance of using mobile standard device features, in the same way, internet applications are replacing installed sw from a personal-computing perspective. 2 pics of our pitch with the panelists.

In parallel we encourage carriers to think about how to create amazing use cases with current technologies already available.

It is really difficult to explain too many things during a 5 minutes slot. We did our best when preparing the pitch.
In order to match the 5 minutes we prefered to merge keynote slides and video-demo of our technology use cases in a single video you can find below.

the solaiemes team :-)

Note 1: find the all the pics of event took by Rudy from Mobile Monday at


Note 2: regarding the video, if you read fast the slides text, please fast forward