Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our keynote at Rich Communication 2010 event.

Just to share our keynote at Rich Communication 2010 event held the past 2 days in Barcelona with carrier and vendors representatives together with analysts.
Our point was about explaining RCS as the natural evolution of SMS as a way to "mobilize" the masses and keep the role of the carrier delighting their customer base. RCS needs to be launched ASAP, and be launched "ubiquitous and open", and our portfolio is complementing the traditional infrastructure vendors to do that. Finally in the slides you will find new revenue models based on RCS opened, very close to internet world, if OTT are making profit of telco-web convergence, also the carriers can do it, innovating.

Friday, November 12, 2010

To speak at 3rd Rich Communication 2010 event

Next week our CEO will be speaking at 3rd Rich Communication 2010 event in Barcelona organized by Informa Telecom & Media. Our keynote is scheduled in the Day 2, 11:45 am, and the tittle is RCS live – the new revenue stream for carriers – act now!
We will explain how a common user experience combining different IP multimedia capabilities will allow the MNO's to keep a leading role in the communications of the future and generating new revenue streams and adapt their business models in the telco-web convergence era.

This event counts with very important speakers and panelist from MNO's, top infrastructure vendors, telecom analysts and academic world, it is a honour for us this chance to share our views with the audience.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Article at Insider Insight section of SIP Mobile Matters blog

Our CEO was invited to post in the Insider Insight section of SIP Mobile Matters. From their about "This media is a news portal and blog that explores the wireless voice services evolution, ranging from femtocells and fixed mobile convergence to IP interactive communications over 3G and 4G. It is sponsored by Acme Packet".
Thanks for the chance to share our views about RCS as opportunity for carriers. You can read the post here:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

OAuth, now supported in the RCS Solution Gateway.

When we unveiled the RCS Solution Gateway product, one of the goals of the platform was creating simple access to social networks, during these months, most well known social networks are using OAuth as authorization tool for external apps/solutions using their APIs.
Then, we just added the OAuth support (versions 1.0 & 2.0) to the RCS Solution Gateway platform in order to create easy social media connectivity with no need to implement the OAuth support by the 3rd party developer.
Why is it different from other approaches to social media connectivity with RCS?
Because it is the only approach allowing carriers to create their own social media connectors not tied to "specific core infrastructure" capabilities provided by core vendors.
We continue breaking the wall that separes the telco and the internet space :-)