Messaging is a hot space and, late but finally happened, telcos are realizing about the risk of becoming the feared "just pipe" if they leave the communication services space.
Amazing OTT apps made mandatory to offer person to person multimedia messaging for free and telcos need to offer a compelling messaging and at the same time discover how to monetize fairly the service.
It's OK, Solaiemes was working almost 4 years to prepare this moment, we build not only the pioneer and most innovative RCS network API but also additional monetization elements as the Developer Portal, RCS Store and RCS Ad Server to innovate in mobile advertising using chat based context "non-push". All our infrastructure can be cloud based and connected easily to whatever RCS core solution. As it makes no sense to launch or be testing RCS in a lab without exploring user engagement VAS and monetization capabilities we would like to present our offering to telcos:
6 Months of hosted Solaiemes Monetization Suite infrastructure including:
- RCS Network API Gateway
- RCS Developer Portal using 3Scale as API Manager
- RCS Store
- RCS Ad Server
- RCS Web/FirefoxOS client based on network API.
- 250 engineering hours for support, training, or creating API based B2C proof of concepts at your request.
TOTAL PRICE: 49.000 €
& the amount will be discounted if you decide to go ahead and deploy commercially our products in the first licensing PO.
- Why? Because of it is better to touch the things than just talk about, to build the future you have to touch the pieces as sooner the better.
- As a telco I would like the trials for free... We understand and would like to do in that way but we have to eat every day, we are not based in the VC paradises and technology for telcos is not their preferred area either :-(. At the same time we think that is a better offering that paying twice or more just to get 50 pages advice from strategic management firms.
- Can be customized the package with requirements as needing onsite stayings? Yes, let's talk.
- Is the Solaiemes network API deployed in some telcos? Yes, in 4 tier-1 we can not disclose yet they have our RCS API GW and also the GSMA joyn/RCS innovation accelerator environment for developers is powered with our solutions.
- What changes are needed in my network to use this trial? Nothing, we only need the RCS or IMS users/pwd and access to IP address of your SBC, the same than configuing device clients.
- Is it useful without RCS launched commercially and without external develepers? Yes, as you can engage the internal telco geeks to create A2P cases to make the launch more exciting and showing that RCS opened with API is beyond alternative messaging apps regarding use feasible use cases to delight the users.
- I am not a telco but a complementary technology provider, can we used the trial to create cases to bid jointly in the future to our customer based? Yes, let's talk.
- As telco I am starting to select RCS core, but we are interested in defining business model and prepare in advance some B2C cases as our own Customer Care based on RCS, can be used the trial without a core? Yes. We can provide a e2e testbed based on Kamailio (the only features you will be missing are group chat and store&forward).
The successful boat is about to sail, come on board !!!
email us at: info (at) solaiemes.com