Wednesday, December 29, 2010

From 2010 to 2011, facts & dreams :-)

This post with "postcard" is just to summarize our year, introduce the next year goals, and wish a happy new year 2011 to all our customers, partners, fans and people who trust us.

Our 2010 was a challenging year. We faced some challenges and changes in our structure and new very talented people come on board, to our ship.
The "telco" sales cycle allowed "finally" to start monetizing our LiveServe product line and hope we can disclose some live deployments of video use cases for emergencies soon. We are comitted to the video and believe the RCS VideoShare will bring amazing possibilities from the live video from/to mobile.
Also, the 2010 was the year when we realize of the huge possibilities of RCS (Rich Communication Suite) to delight carriers customers and focus in help this technology to be more open and more ubiquitous, to help to succeed it with a win-win-win (carriers, developers, users). In just 12 months we got some intersting partnership in the messaging area, actively participated in the events to boost this technology and shorlisted finalist in the GSMA RCS DevChallenge in the innovation category and just we are crossing fingers and working hard to perfom well in the final during the Mobile World Congress.

Hope to find all of being lucky this coming 2011 as we will try to do :-)
The Solaiemes team.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

RCS Web for iPhone & iPad.

In this video we are showcasing how RCS Thin Client Server is providing customized layouts to fit the screens of the cooles devices (smartphones and tablets).
We think carriers can not be under "manufacturer approval dependency" to deliver enhanced messaging (Rich Communication Suite) to their subscribers. The same user experience can be delivered with HTML+Javascript, clients should be URL. If telco and OTT spaces are converging, and OTT are being very innovative and competitive moving to the telco space, the carriers should move in same way (innovation) to also have their own "OTT style offering" :-)

What do you think?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Solaiemes, finalist in the GSMA RCS DevChallenge

Just to say Solaiemes has been shorlisted as Finalist in the innovation category of the GSMA RCS DevChallenge. The competition took place in the GSMA headquarter in London and the final will take place in Barcelona during the Mobile World Congress next February. The jury is composed by selected representatives of leading carriers and top telco infrastructure suppliers.
We feel encouraged to work hard to attend the Barcelona final with new features added to our platforms and try to surprise there, not only to the jury, but MWC visitors.
Congrats to other finalist in all categories, and all the entrants, all together are working to push RCS, the technology that will enable the rich mobility for the masses.
Thx :-)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Social Media Plug, a single phonebook contact is enough to connect with your social networks.

Here, just to unveil a new use case implemented with the RCS Solution Gateway API. It si a Social Media Connector, we labeled it plug because a single contact in your phonebook is ok to access diferent social networks, with simple commands you can update the status & retrieve the wall in Facebook, and tweet and retrieve the timeline in Twitter just using RCS Chat, and upload pics to Facebook just using RCS File Transfer. No apps are needed and mid-tier device is ok. Carriers should realize that common telco enablers are useful to access the OTT world :-)

feedback welcomed.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

GSMA opens YouTube Channels to promote RCS

Happy to see that GSMA is promoting actively Rich Communication Suite (RCS) and also created a YouTube Channel with videos from the vendors and from the RCS events of past 12 months.
Our demos showcasing the possibilities of RCS through openness and ubiquity have been also included. Thanks  :-)
Hope 2011 will be the year when we could see the MNO's definetively embracing this technology to keep a key role in the communications evolutions, and start seeing MNO's to launch offers more "OTT" like. We will try to help MNO's to in their change !!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our keynote at Rich Communication 2010 event.

Just to share our keynote at Rich Communication 2010 event held the past 2 days in Barcelona with carrier and vendors representatives together with analysts.
Our point was about explaining RCS as the natural evolution of SMS as a way to "mobilize" the masses and keep the role of the carrier delighting their customer base. RCS needs to be launched ASAP, and be launched "ubiquitous and open", and our portfolio is complementing the traditional infrastructure vendors to do that. Finally in the slides you will find new revenue models based on RCS opened, very close to internet world, if OTT are making profit of telco-web convergence, also the carriers can do it, innovating.

Friday, November 12, 2010

To speak at 3rd Rich Communication 2010 event

Next week our CEO will be speaking at 3rd Rich Communication 2010 event in Barcelona organized by Informa Telecom & Media. Our keynote is scheduled in the Day 2, 11:45 am, and the tittle is RCS live – the new revenue stream for carriers – act now!
We will explain how a common user experience combining different IP multimedia capabilities will allow the MNO's to keep a leading role in the communications of the future and generating new revenue streams and adapt their business models in the telco-web convergence era.

This event counts with very important speakers and panelist from MNO's, top infrastructure vendors, telecom analysts and academic world, it is a honour for us this chance to share our views with the audience.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Article at Insider Insight section of SIP Mobile Matters blog

Our CEO was invited to post in the Insider Insight section of SIP Mobile Matters. From their about "This media is a news portal and blog that explores the wireless voice services evolution, ranging from femtocells and fixed mobile convergence to IP interactive communications over 3G and 4G. It is sponsored by Acme Packet".
Thanks for the chance to share our views about RCS as opportunity for carriers. You can read the post here:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

OAuth, now supported in the RCS Solution Gateway.

When we unveiled the RCS Solution Gateway product, one of the goals of the platform was creating simple access to social networks, during these months, most well known social networks are using OAuth as authorization tool for external apps/solutions using their APIs.
Then, we just added the OAuth support (versions 1.0 & 2.0) to the RCS Solution Gateway platform in order to create easy social media connectivity with no need to implement the OAuth support by the 3rd party developer.
Why is it different from other approaches to social media connectivity with RCS?
Because it is the only approach allowing carriers to create their own social media connectors not tied to "specific core infrastructure" capabilities provided by core vendors.
We continue breaking the wall that separes the telco and the internet space :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

RCS Thin Client Server, our new platform, making RCS ubiquitous

Perhaps you know about it from the videodemos of RCS TV client and RCS Web Client, but it was now officially released as a product itself till now. The RCS Thin Client Server shares the same core RCS "translating protocols" Solaiemes technology running in the RCS Solution Gateway but with a different goal. The RCS Thin Client Server tries to make RCS as ubiquitous and multi-display communicator and RCS Solutions Gateways looks to open RCS to 3rd party developers to create lots of use cases on top (service-users).
The ppt explaining the product, the discloseable :-) is:

Feedback, more than welcomed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Solaiemes presented its vision & portfolio on RCS at Mobile Brodband Forum 2010.

Last week, we participated in the Mobile Broadband Forum 2010 in Lisbon organized by Hansecom.
We participated in the RCS/IMS day and try to give a new approach about how to explain RCS to the mass market and make realize the carriers about its huge potential. Even most carriers know that RCS is their chance to keep a role and not become mere pipe, they should realize that time is gold and accelerate the deployment and a broad commercial offer linked to access to solutions and cloud communications having the RCS as enabler.
Find below our presentation, including some examples showing how the promised in now real and possible, explaining how our portfolio expand the revenue potential from RCS beyond the initial use cases, and finally compares the telco role with other industries where the incumbent should take care "of the most" and not focus in the "high tier elite".

Feedback, more than welcomed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Views on IMS Global Congress 2010

We were invited to moderate a panel and showcase demos during the IMS Global Congress 2010 in Brussels organized by IIR. Firstly to say that it is a very good opportunity to evangelize, and we are glad to see that innovative companies are invited to discuss with leading vendors about trends and the future, and both together to try to evangelize carriers about their battle is not lost if they rely in their infrastructure to deliver new user experiences to their customer base.
During the congress it was discussed along a list of topics (LTE, Voice services using IMS, convergence, RCS). Our panel was about how difficult is for the ecosystem to work with carriers, and the need of API's soon better than full standarized, developers are costumed to adapt to changing APIs (as the social networks ones), but API's themselves :-) Better if finally there will be final API's fully standarized, but it is more important to have API's asap. A lot of services were developed with SMS using gateways with different API's. We proposed the same approach for RCS, to adopt as preferred the UNI (user to network interface) approach but leave the vendors to create their platforms (our own is the RCS Solution Gateway) offering API's and start working with them until final API's spec will arrive :-). Recent examples as the joint demo during RCS Asia Forum had proven this is the right path.
It was nice to see other spanish companies as technological MVNO Fonyou and Almira Labs transmit the message about how not only the value added is the hands of OTTs, the carrier still have space for innovation and customer delight.
Finally, mention to the positive feedback about the RCS joing trial in Spain (Movistar-Orange Spain) provided by the Orange representative explaining the results of customer survey. Users are willing to pay a some euros on top of fix data plans to have RCS as capability, and users like Instant Messaging provided by RCS.

Glat to hear that! Texting Rocks ! :-)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Colibria and Solaiemes successfully complete interoperability of RCS portfolios

We are happy to announce that Colibria and Solaiemes announced successful completion of interoperability testing between Colibria’s OMA-compliant RCS enablers and the Solaiemes portfolio including RCS Solution Gateway, RCS Thin Client Server and internal Android RCS Client.

For us it is a great milestone to have a fully interoperated portfolio with a leading vendor of RCS infrastructure including Instant Messaging, Presence and XDM carrier grade servers. Solaiemes is delighted to co-operate with Colibria to increase the availability of these services. It is yet another example of how RCS enables innovation within the ecosystem providing global interoperable new communications experiences for all users. Thanks Colibria :-)

Find the complete PR in both companies websites: and

solaiemes team

Friday, September 10, 2010

RCS experience in your browser. Solaiemes RCS Web Client

Next month we will unveil our new RCS product, the RCS Thin Client Server, we will write PR, create a section in your web, and a ppt brochure, but here comes the preview...the demo of RCS Web Client, to help RCS to become the ubiquitous communicator, nothing to be installed in your computer, only the browser, also useful for netbooks & new tablets.

The idea explained is to use the cloud communication & UC approaches to split in 2 sides: the communication in cloud platform and the visual user interface the web browser (also other javascript capable devices as TV or STBs). The platform will serve RCS Web Clients to work as standalone communicators and also as embedded contact way for sites (e-commerce, banking, etc) to add to the web experience the natural language texting interaction. We will continue telling you how barriers between telco and internet service approaches are being removed by the facts :-)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Joint Demo. Using RCS as service enabler at RCS Asia Forum

Tomorrow, friday 10/september we are attending RCS Asia Forum in HongKong organized by the GSMA. We will showcasing our portfolio: RCS Solution Gateway and unveiling the RCS Thin Client Server creating RCS web clients, to help RCS to become even more ubiquitous.

We will show the RCS Solution Gateway interoperated in a joint demo (see joint PR) with 4 other companies. The demo will showcase RCS release 2.0, and extensions to Internet-based services such as Google™ weather and currency, in a secure network environment across different device platforms. See diagram and participant roles.

(extracted from the PR)-> "The participating companies are Colibria, providing its carrier-grade OMA and RCS compliant Messaging, Presence and XDM enablers; Acme Packet, providing its industry-leading Net-Net session border controllers for SIP security and control; Solaiemes, providing its innovative RCS Solution Gateway creating value added services on top of RCS using UNI API's; and the client vendors Comneon and Neusoft, bringing the solution together with a rich end-user experience with several different handset operating systems and on PC platform. This marks the first time five such companies have participated in a demo of this nature of the GSMA Rich Communication Suite initiative."

solaiemes team

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2 new demos of mashing-up Google APIs with RCS UNI API

Just to show 2 new demos using the Google API's not in web but as a RCS contact instant messaging. Using the Solaiemes RCS Solution Gateway API and the service API (the Google ones in these cases) you may create compelling use cases and test them in a couple of hours.

Google Weather via RCS

Google Currency Converter via RCS

texting rocks !!!
solaiemes team :-)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Texting on the rise! ...the future services user interface

How many calls did you make today? How many texts did you send? And tweets, Skype chats, IM chats…?
More and more often, making a voice call is no longer the first option when we want to quickly contact somebody. It is not a subjective feeling, market research reports by Nielsen[1] & [2] that the trend is there: SMS numbers are raising, voice call usage is going down across all age groups, although for young generations the contrast is even steeper.
Together with the dominance in the desktop of the various instant communication systems (Skype, MSN, Yahoo, GTalk, etc.), the picture is clear: textual communication is the preferred option for quick communication.
Reasons for that are varied; it is not only the price difference between sending a SMS and making a voice call. For many users, the cost difference is not an issue. And, after all, fixed voice minutes are almost free. There are other reasons: a voice call means a time and attention commitment that many are unwilling to warrant unless agreed beforehand; calls do not allow multitasking (is the other party in autopilot, just repeating “ok”? he is probably checking the email or correcting a report); even for the most impersonal calls, carries the risk of an emotional bound with the other party... Many people prefer messaging, asynchronous and impersonal, especially for services whose impersonality are taken for granted, like those that are now carried out in call centres. And young generations take messaging for granted, voice is not even an option for many of them.

Paradoxically this means voice is regaining the status as the really personal medium. Or perhaps not so paradoxically after all, hand written letters are the summit of communication commitment, there are so few people handwriting nowadays. It is just the “mechanic” or “robotic” voice calls that are being replaced.

Our view (shared with other companies, i.e: see this Voxeo ppt) is that real time messaging is the best communication medium for impersonal communication services and, properly developed, will create a huge opportunity for a new ecosystem of text-based services.

RCS messaging enablers, session based and with built-in multimedia support, unlock possibilities beyond SMS and basic IM, until now restricted to users with a given software or client. RCS will, however, be available across handset ranges and on the desktop, opening a truly mass market, interconnected across service providers.

In the next posts, we will uncover a few demo services showcasing the power of RCS to deliver useful and revenue generating services.
Just a basic RCS client and the RCS R2 specs, unmodified core, unmodified clients. And lots of ideas!!!

Jose Recio

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Using Google Translate as RCS contact !

Hi, see how easy is accessing to the well known internet services using RCS. In this demo we created a simple code to combine Google Translate API with our RCS Solution Gateway API, and voilà, one of the RCS phonebook become a translator.
With this approach, texting becomes an alternative to apps and browsing to access to services and from the point of view of the ecosystem, using RCS contacts as "services gate" services can get a bigger adoption. Also, when users will be costumed to interact with the services by "texting", new use cases will mean just adding new contacts to your phonebook, and no need to install or learn new apps. We are working hard to provide a suitable and more usable alternative to apps/browsing to communicate with the services, stay tunned, more demos coming soon :-)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RCS to create Voice-Alerts ? Yes, possible & useful

In order to "visualize" all the possibilities of Rich Communication Suite to create a new way of communication and interacting with services we just shot this demo. Combining Android native features as the TTS (text to speech) with our client, even when in background, RCS instant messages received are played as voice, becoming an interesting way to create services based on voice alerts with the advantadge of not needing to transport media and access using a common enabler, the RCS Client.

Monday, July 12, 2010 the IMTC Blog, asked about RCS & mobile future?

Jose Recio, one of the Solaiemes co-founders have been asked by IMTC about our vision and approach on/to RCS (Rich Communication Suite) and the future of mobile and posted the answers in their blog.
The International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC) is a global consortium of companies dedicated to the advancement of open standards and multimedia communications through our Activity Group initiatives and annual events that include interoperability forums and workshops. We are pleased to realize that IMTC is listening not only the big brands of the industry, but the communication technology start-ups as we are at this stage. Thanks.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Looking for partners/integrators/resellers in France, Scandinavia & Benelux

During the last months we were quite quiet blogging, sorry, we were fully focused in speeding up our RCS/IMS portfolio, interoperating with IMS core vendors, and trying to present our vision in different trade shows and conferences (MWC2010, IMTC2025, MOBIP).
We have had nice feedback about our vision and how carriers still have the chance of keep a leading role in the enhanced messaging and communication space and avoide the final sentence to be mere dumb pipe :-)
Now, we have packaged 2 concept trials to enhance RCS offer targetting carriers trialing RCS and the ones planning to deploy the service with 2 main goals.

a) showcasing the possibilities of creating non-intrusive services on top of RCS using API's, and allowing to create different use cases as mobile banking or social networking sharing the same using experience, the RCS client.
b) showcasing how RCS can be applied also as communicator in the TV, STB or embedded in a website making feasible a real convergence and a seamless communication experience.

We believe it is better rely on local partners the approach to the carriers and we are eager to partner with telecom focused integrators and IMS core suppliers without this application layer currently working with carriers in France, Benelux and Scandinavia, and also Italy :-), to help them to take the most from previous IMS investments.

looking to hear about you !!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Solaiemes participated in the MOBIP event in Valencia.

Solaiemes attended las week the first edition of Mobile Services Innovation Platform (MOBIP) event was held in Valencia, Spain. MOBIP is a Partnership and Investment Forum for Mobile Services.
Valencia became a meeting point for SMEs, professional experts, corporate partners and venture capital investors that were interested in knowledge-sharing on strategic information, market opportunities and new business trends for the Value-Added Services in the Mobile Industry.
The aim of the Partnership and Investment Forum is to foster the competitiveness of high-growth ventures in the mobile services sector and to strengthen their opportunities for market access both within Europe and in wider international markets. The focus of these projects is on access to finance, internationalization and business to business collaboration.
Solaiemes was selected by MOBIP to present our company project to an audience of industry experts and investors. After that, we had the opportunity to meet one2one with some of the industry experts and investors to further discuss. This will help us to expand collaboration and connect with investment players. The experience was very positive, and it confirms that "mobile" is now boosting, this is the moment.
This is the first edition of the MOBIP Forum and more are coming soon across Europe, so get ready for next opportunities to create connections between the investor community and start-ups in the Mobile sector.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The video of the IMTC 2025-> Triple Play in the Living Room

Following the last post with the ppt you can find now the video with Jose Recio panel explanations. "Triple Play in the Living Room" during IMTC 2025 virtual forum. Jose explained how RCS light clients based on cloud platform + simple widget at TV or STB can help to make feasible standard communications fully convergent.

We shared the panel with Manuel Vexler by Huawei and moderated by Anatoli Levine from Radvision. Find the post in the oficial IMTC blog here

Friday, April 30, 2010

Our presentation at IMTC 2025 Forum, RCS & Triple Play

Find the slides Jose Recio presented in the IMTC 2025 Forum in the Panel "Triple Play in the Living room" shared with Manuel Vexler (Huawei) and Anatoli Levine (Radvision).
Our point was about with light clients based on current TV widgets or STB frameworks are enough to build more complete communicators based on Rich Communication Suite, keeping the "complexity in a shared cloud based platform".

Feedback, more than welcomed.

If you consider this post interesting to be shared, remember you can tweet this post using the button in the upper-left button :-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Panel at IMS 2.0 World Forum in Barcelona.

Next week I will be at IMS 2.0 World Forum 2010 in Barcelona and will participate in a panel "How to boost IMS applications" on 29th, April.
We are happy to be there and have the chance of explaining a demo-ing how Rich Communication Suite (RCS) could be the killer app based on IMS and not only "app" but "solutions enabler".
The IMS 2.0 forum is also a chance to be in touch technology and service development representatives from main suppliers and carriers and meet new leads.
This is our second year there as speakers, and it seems finally this year the IMS community will be more optimistical, as RCS is taking off with some important trials, being interoperated with different carriers. Finally carriers are understanding the role of IMS, and also they should work together to offer a "solution" mass market model (as SMS in the past) against the "app" model, not able to arrive to the masses.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

UNI versus propietary interfaces for communication services platforms

User-to-network interface or UNI is just a fancy term for naming the procedures and protocols that communication tools in the user hands (phones, mobiles, soft-phones, IM clients …) use to do their work and establish communicate with the network.
In the pre-Internet circuit based communication world, user devices were very simple, as simple and dumb as possible. Intelligence was supposed to be in the network. UNI capabilities were very limited, as corresponds to a very stable and limited service offer.
Internet turned upside down that approach: the “End to end principle” ( translates roughly into “dumb network – smart endpoints”. It is assumed in the Internet that intelligence in the endpoints, and not in the network, that has a very important, but limited role: moving packets as efficiently as possible. Services are deployed in the endpoints, without relying on specific network behaviour. The UNI actually defines the services.
Telco core design (and a good chunk of the business) is based on the “smart network” view. The advent of IP based services thus supposed a revolution, and IMS was designed to mix both approaches: access and core assume the role of the “dumb network” efficiently moving IP packets, whereas the smart endpoints are the IMS, the application servers and the user mobile.
As in the Internet, in IMS the UNI comprises and defines the services. There is little difference between the UNI (client-IMS) and the ICS (app. Server-IMS) interfaces. One example is RCS: a rich, complete UNI that allows to perform all sort of service invocations and combine them with quite a lot of freedom.
Landing from these disquisitions to earthly matters: given that the UNI comprises the services, it is complete, stable, tested …. Wouldn’t make sense to extend the ideas explained above and use it also for communicating with the external, non-RCS world? We propose to use the RCS UNI to communicate web services, enterprise systems, and social networks with RCS.

Obviously the carrier is keeping a role, it's providing a valuable common enabler with its core, and assuring interoperability with other carriers & service roaming, security, and at the same time making easy for the ecosystem create mass market possible adoption for their solutions. WIN-WIN.
Why reinvent the wheel? Why spend money and time on designing new services interfaces when the UNI is there and contains the full service capabilities? Surely it is the better starting point.

Jose Recio

Monday, March 1, 2010

Key for success of RCS.

After "evangelizing" posts about RCS technology, own product portfolio explanation and demos, and finally, last week reflections on MWC RCS Seminar, we would like to add our view about key factors to make RCS a huge success and a new way of conceive mobility & unified communications.
The key advantadge of RCS is a type of "SMS enabler", only 1 experience to be learnt, very different use cases to be available using the service, all carriers, all devices compatible. This is the right way to address to the masses, not only geeks of smartphone owners.
On the other hand, unfortunately we are at the beginning of "all carriers, all devices, lots of services using RCS as door". Carriers start trialing RCS, and luckily with a good approach, including interoperability as part of trials (the 3 top carriers in France and Telefonica and Orange in Spain). run faster...there are a key few points:

a) Affordable core for small carriers, MVNO's and even servive providers trying to offer RCS using agnostic data connectivity. The good new here comes from Acme Packet, launching their new product Net-Net SIP Multimedia-Xpress

b) All devices. The good news come from Genaker with their J2ME RCS Client to enable the boost of RCS service usage before native clients arrive. (It won the RCS Innovation devChallenge).

c) Lots of services on top. The good news here come from us !!! The Solaiemes RCS Solution Gateway, is designed to create services on top of RCS being "content buddies" with no telco experience, the idea is merge internet & telco space, and our platform enablers the service creation based on APIs, being fully interoperated with telco IMS core to create fully compliant content buddies.

Then, even smaller innovative MVNOs looking to differentiate with compelling services, carriers looking for affordable service testing can save time to validate the service, and give a chance to the ecosystem to think about solutions, as it happened with SMS in the past...
And finally, let us remember how we finish our latest post, because it is the key to understand the battler, apps vs services...Devices apps could be the Ferraris, but the real success is the Ford-T, providing a nice experience everybody can afford in terms of cost & usability.

If you consider this post interesting to be shared, remember you can tweet this post using the button in the upper-left button :-)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reflections on the RCS seminar in MWC 2010

GSMA organized again a very interesting seminar on RCS as part of the Mobile World Congress GSMA activities. Almost 4 hours packed with experience from trials and vendors and operators heavyweights. It is difficult to say that there is no commitment after listening to the attendants.

I will summarize the most important points on our view, just a schematic, not the full session proceedings.

Telefónica: Stressed the dynamic nature of the future enhanced phonebook, one of the RCS strong points. Advantages of RCS services vs over-the-top: Native and embedded client + Universality + Telco service model.

Japan operators: Very intesting explanation of the timeline. PoC + Presence + IM launched in 2008, limited success due to poor interoperability. Step back and work on agreement under standard organisation umbrella. Now launching IMS based services and integrated with RCS group.

Trial operators: Ongoing and well.

AT&T: Sharing very interesting lessons learnt from SMS slow start and MMS blazing success in the US market: Interoperability between operators is key, it was lacking initially with SMS (and harmed it a lot), carefully worked for MMS (contributed to quick and massive success). GRX is not good enough, RCS interconnectivity should be IPX.

Very important insight from an Asia operator: when RCS service was launched, it didn't canibalize SMS traffic, on the contrary, SMS actually increased !!!. RCS stimulates communication, any kind of communication.

Reportedly, some nostrils perceived the uncertain aroma of doubt in the last part of the seminar, I think it is just another take in the continuous game between vendors (we won't ship until operators commit) and operators (we can't commit unless more units and models are available). Hopefully with RCS a common interest will leave behind this conundrum, as old as the mobile industry (remember the "God send mobiles" joke?).

And finally we want to remark that Solaiemes point of view remains intact. High tier devices apps could be the Ferraris, but the real success is the Ford-T, providing a nice experience everybody can afford in terms of cost & usability. Steve Jobs could be a nice "ferrari" type innovator, but the huge mass market impact should come from carriers (the communication Henry Ford's) if they do not throw the towel :-)

If you consider this post interesting to be shared, remember you can tweet this post using the button in the upper-left button :-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wow, included as vendor in a GSMA flyer to promote RCS !!!

We were really amazed as appearing listed in a flyer to promote Rich Communication Suite technology with 6 vendors listed as "please ensure the visit to the following...".
We are appearing with other fantastic start-up's, even some of then were start-up's decades ago :-)
Just kidding :-)
Now, seriously, we are glad to see that our product gets some attention, and is complementary to the core IMS and device/desktop client suppliers offering.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mobile Banking using RCS, finally a common way to deliver mobile CRM

When we explained our RCS Solution GW we said it was conceived to create social media interfaces, CRM mobile channels, not intrussive advertisement, and other solutions as TV remote clients. Well, we showcase in this demo how RCS can help banks to deliver a very intuitive easy to use self-service for mobility. (It also applies to other types of companies needing to provide their customers a mobile access).

The clear adavantadge of this approach is that using a near coming "universal service" as RCS people will learn once this kind of interaction (as in the past most of mobile users learnt SMS) and will become the most natural way for mobile data services, compatible with all device tiers.

feedback welcomed
solaiemes RCS team

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Meet us at Mobile World Congress 2010!

This is our 3rd year exhibiting at Mobile Innovation Zone of the MWC (stand Hall 7-IZ12, download floorplan). Since we were a new born start-up till today we grew our portfolio, have some references but still needing funding, partners and potential customers to boost. MWC for us is "the event".
We are particulary motivated this year, as it seems carriers are finally decided (or at least, it seems so) to compete in new services under common user experience using Rich Communication Suite, and we are developing a platform to allow 3rd parties to create services on top of RCS.
We are also showcasing our mobile video framework to mash-up live mobile video from mobile to web application (enterprise and social media).

Eager to know about you !!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Interviewed at Techistan

It is nice to find people with entrepreneur spirit trying to find out what is happening at other side of the ocean :-), I was interviewed for a 5 minutes podcast by Suzanne Bowen (her twitter) and it was transcripted and podcasted the audio at
Glad to see how people is interested in what is being cooked to improve communications, no matter where and who is doing that.
Thx Suzanne

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Unveiling our RCS Solution Gateway, merging telco and web services

Being small start-up it is always difficult to decide which level of product roadmap disclosure is the optimal one, if you do not share your vision and some level of execution you are never paid attention from customers and potential investors, if you disclose too much, powerful companies can dedicate their "army of coders" to create alternatives.
Well, in the pdf/ppt below we explain our goal to easily create services on top of RCS.

We look for a win-win-win scenario:

- subscribers getting very different services (CRM, social media connectors, smart advertisement) with a only one client (RCS) being also a personal communicator
- telcos enabling a lot of services very easy to adopt to their subscribers, and compatible with all device tiers, and without the need of interoperating telco infrastructure with 3rd parties services.
- 3rd parties service providers & developers, able to reach critical mass of mobile users with a single client being "evangelized" by carriers.

previous posts include videos of use cases implemented for demo: rcs-tv , rcs-twitter

Whatever feedback, more than welcome,
solaiemes team

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Unified Communications? and the TV? RCS to provide seamless communication

Just releasing a new demo of use case of our RCS Solutions Gateway. In this case the platform instances "cloud" RCS clients to mirrored with IM/file sharing apps at TV side (with TV Widgets) or at STB/deco side (using MHP and other frameworks).
In this demo you can see how mobile and TV subscriber can initiate a instant messaging session, and even the mobile can share a pic to be displayed in the TV by the receiver. Soon live video from mobile will be added.
Using Rich Communication Suite (with a live IMS core) carriers offering triple play can also offer communication capabilities to the "TV" in a very simple way.

No need to modify the RCS client at mobile, or the IMS/RCS core to deploy this use case.

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solaiemes team

Saturday, January 16, 2010

For those who do not believe that "telcos" & internet can walk together...RCS

We are glad to post new demos and unveil a new product, with RCS Solutions Gateway, 3rd parties will have the capability to create mobile channels using a common carrier or service provider feature, RCS. In this demos we use our platform and our own first version of droid client to show how a Social Media connector is possible to reach mobile customers with RCS, both are working under a live IMS/RCS Core. The idea was demonstrating that internet space and carrier space can co-exist and help each other.

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soon more demos

Friday, January 8, 2010

Help us to create a shared Q&A (Faq list) about Solaiemes

We try to interact with customers, potential customers, partners, analysts, media, and people eager to know more about us.
We found specially useful Twitter, as a way to make quick questions publicly or privately using DM's. Recently I knew about and created our profile there, it is a fantastic method to create a Q&A list that remains public, it allows anonymous questions and also people disclosing their identities in a form of just using Facebook connect.
We invite you to help us to create an interesting question list, we will try to answer accurately this "user generated interview". You can use English and/or Spanish to type your questions.
Perhaps some questions could be impossible to answer due to NDA's with other companies or internal information not able to be disclosed, but we like tranparency and will do our best to answer all your questions. You can post your questions here :-)