Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Solaiemes explained its RCS-e as a Platform vision in Telco 2.0 event.

Solaiemes participated in the New Digital Economy event, organized by STL partners (the original coiners of the term "Telco 2.0"), on Nov 9th. This is a "must attend" for strategists and anybody interested on, as the event name says, "Strategic Threats and Opportunities" for telco service providers.

The agenda covered many different topics and approaches, and RCS was the focus of several sections, with a very nice presentation on what RCS is, how it can complement and live along OTT offers, including a real live demo, by Dr. Rainer Deutschmann, Deutsche Telekom, and Cenk Serdar, Vodafone, and followed by a lively debate.

We were invited to present our view on how RCS-e is as much a platform as an end-user service, and showed some of the possibilities and sample use cases that could be enabled by allowing third parties to use enablers, very well received by an audience that have not been exposed to this approach before in the most part, and with encouraging tweets from the floor.

A very enlightening event, with many different point of views, and a format that encourages and makes very easy participation and exchange of ideas. "Chance Favors the Connected Mind" (Steven Johnson), don't miss the opportunity to attend the next one.

Jose Recio

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