Monday, December 31, 2012

Solaiemes wishes all of you a Happy New Year 2013

We want to wish all of you but specially to our customers, partners, followers, fans and prospects :-)

This year 2012 finally joyn has been launched by several telcos in 3 continents. We have managed to work with tier-1 groups and we are eager start with them the launchs commercial joyn API and also the ubiquitous access to joyn. Also we got new partners as Voxeo Labs, Newpace,  and Acme Packet.
Our API is live in GSMA joyn Innovation Accelerator and joyn messaging is being promoted as a platform, a vision beyond the person to person communication use case.
Our challenge for 2013 is to become the key partner of telcos to provide joyn network API and ubiquitous access (Web, TV, etc), and do it globally, in all their OpCos. We are also in the proccess get some VC investment to fuel our growth, crossing fingers, wish us luck :-)

In the middle of the international crisis and financial turmoil we are fully comitted in enhancing the communication experience and helping telcos and developers to work closely.

Happy 2013

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Combining Voice & joyn APIs to create new communication experiences.

Just created a simple service using a phone call to record a message that will be sent to a group of people using joyn messaging. It took just 4 hours to code the service, put it live, and test it. With this demo we want to show how easy is combining different telco APIs to create innovative services around standard communication services as a mash-up of them. For voice we used Tropo by Voxeo Labs and for joyn we used our own API, RCS Solution GW Product :-)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Performance matters. Solaiemes to certify "figures" with Mantica.

Solaiemes takes very seriously the peformance of the technology we create. When we face customers, normally telcos, the recurrent question is, "ok, it does work, but is your technology able to scale and support milions of customers?"

Well, we understood it is time to have an independent certification of the performance and endurance of our platforms. Our customers are will start on 2013 to move from lab setup and proof of concepts to API commercial offering for enterprise and long tail segments.

Solaiemes selected Mantica Solutions to certify the performance and endurance of our joyn RCS API platform. Mantica has proven experience testing tier-1 core telecommunication equipment.

For us it was key to select a partner for testing with experience in IMS testing, this could speed up the proccess of creating the verification tests. Also we needed a partner with the proper HW for high load verification and Mantica has experience on it.

Mantica published a press release about this project.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Solaiemes looks investment round of 500.000 €

Credit: image by Wiangya

Solaiemes is currently looking for an investment of 250.000 to 500.000 € in order to:

  • Fund new operations and trials being negotiated.
  • Hire specific sales/BD roles and contracts expert.
  • Set foot in the US
Company Status:
  • Staff: 16 people / Headquarter: Madrid (Spain).
  • Results: Near break-even with trial and integration projects of our RCS API exposures technology and expected profitable during 2013 with commercial licensing agreements. 2012 revenue 100% increase YoY 2011.
  • References: 3 tier-1 telco groups and the GSMA (Joyn Innovation Accelerator) and several prospects to convert along next year.
  • Tecnology successfully intereoperated with most of leading IMS/Instant Messaging AS vendors and Joyn client suppliers.
  • Brand recognition and pioneer in RCS REST API exposure and Thin/Web Client access technology providers.Several international awards as GSMA RCS Innovation Challenge 2011 and Red Herring.
  • Previous funding: 800 K € from seed VC and co-founders and employes. Also R&D refundable public loans.
Type of investor looked.

We are flexible and we see several possibilities as convinient for both parties.
  • 1 or 2 tech business angels looking to invest in an already validated company.
  • VC interested in a bridge round before final expansion.
  • Industry player looking to expand portfolio to RCS/joyn and adquire temporary preference to acquire the company at a given valuation.
Type of investment

Several possible options:
  • Direct investment. Shares.
  • Convertible Debt
  • 1 year loan at 8%.

If you are interested you contact us at info (at) solaiemes dot com or directly to the mangement profiles in linkedin.