Friday, October 25, 2013

RCS Developer Portal as a Service. Revolutioning how telco API may be offered.

We are pleased to announce a new offering, the concept of RCS Developer Portal as a Service. Telcos will be able to launch RCS API at the same time that RCS/joyn service itself. No painful integrations, experiment what plug&play means ;).

The telcos just need to provide connectivity with the telco SBC and a bunch of RCS users (numbers) to be used as developer created services will be enough.

What about the API Management layer? Well, it is not needed to try to reinvent the wheel, the portal front-end and API Management use 3Scale, one of the leading vendors in the API management field. The developer look&feel and the developer plans are fully customizable.

Time now for telcos to use the cloud for their own enablers exposure. Time is money!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Product: RCS Advertising Platform. Creating a role for telcos in the advertisement market.

We got involved in RCS 3 year ago and pioneered the REST API network exposure. We received many telco feedbacks about considering great the API to create person-to-service cases but were concerned about the monetization capabilities of RCS/joyn in a context of free messaging apps competition. With this new product that is combined with RCS API GW, we provide telcos a white-label platform to engage development and create a new business model, use the contextual advertising in-chat RCS API based services created by developers.

In a sentence, a Google Adwords/Adsense model for telcos, using the instant messaging (not the search or blogs) as the media to insert ads.

We are sure that properly used it could be a very smart marketing model, both, for developers and users, and the API GW only will insert the chat or file transfer (pic, audio, etc). The textual and also location (push/pull) will allow a very accurated targetting, being this new mobile marketing the way to make service providers strong players in the SOLOMO (social, local, mobile).

Also, finally telcos can use their enablers to engage and foster the ecosystem by proposing a fair revenue sharing model while users are enjoying new services for free.

Any feedback welcomed.

Monday, October 21, 2013

#joynhack in Berlin, welcome the RCS API Hackatons

Two "solaiemers" attendend the joyn Hackaton in Berlin past weekend. Organized by Orange and Deutsche Telekom the 2 hackatons, one in Paris last month and one in Berlin the past weekend make clear that RCS/joyn is not only about person to person messaging but a platform. The platform is useful for developers to create amazing use cases for the users.

During the weekend the RCS API was used in 2 ways: embedding RCS communications in apps and creating network based services. The winner of #joyn category (Yeppt) was the "porting" of a web based service to the chateable experience.

We welcome this kind of initiatives to engage developers. RCS can enrich the apps and also can complement the App model by providing an alternative interaction model based in chat & file transfer as we explained our last post.

It would be great to see other telcos organizing this kind of hackatons, engaging developers to use their exposed or "to be exposed soon" enablers and also to get first hand feedback from the real movers of the ecosystem, the developers.

The greatest feature joyn/RCS can have versus OTT's is the openness, the API to go beyond the person to person messaging.

You can see the G+ of the event with pics uploaded by organizers here

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Understanding the RCS network REST API potential in just 4 minutes.

We prepared in-house a 4 minutes cartoon-type video explaining the potential of the RCS/joyn network API. It shows examples of its use to make RCS messaging a platform by making the phonebook a hub of chateable services.

If you like it, please share :-)
the Solaiemes team

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Solaiemes WebRTC-Telco Gateway. Telco voice (including PSTN) easily ubiquitous.

Solaiemes works hard to help telcos to adapt to the new competitive scenario. We see WebRTC as huge opportunity for telcos as they finally are not depending on 3rd parties and their roadmaps to deliver "physical end-points". Also, we continue relying on UNI (user to network interface) approach to avoid painful integrations with the telco cores. Connecting to the SBC is the perfect way, plug&play, works inmediately and allows cloud deployment when needed.

We can say we tested the platform in several live telco environments, and it worked with no integration at all needed. Just provisionate in the platform the user credentials and voice become ubiquitous. We published videodemos in previous posts: webphone and RCS webphone.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Telco VAS decline, the key role of telco APIs & the coining of a new term W2P

Telco is an industry facing transformation, basic services being cash-cows with high margins as voice and SMS, and lately broadband, are becoming commodities in a fierce competitive market. Most of telco customers are contracting plans with a number of minutes, SMS and data enough for their needs at very low prices.

Value Added Services (VAS) being perceived as the next stream of revenues are not properly implemented by telcos. We could read this week about the VAS revenue declining.

What is happening? Well, too many things at a time:

  • Telco enablers as Voice and SMS for VAS being exploded more successfully by companies creating REST API to use the communications enablers as they are costume to work with social networka and internet tools APIs. Companies as Tropo, Twilio, Plivo make easier to use telco enablers than the own telcos.

  • New communication enablers beyond voice and SMS as rich messaging are being pioneered and led by amazing "over the top" companies as Whatsapp, Line, WeChat (Tencent) harming telcos in 2 ways: commoditizing the enhanced messaging as being offered for free or just for a small annual fee, and capturing new VAS market share (virtual goods, B2C, etc).

  • Service providers (carriers) are not properly adapted to the new times: years to deploy a new technology is not an acceptable period, waiting to the perfect standards with all the features defined is not how now service cycles work. RCS (Rich Communication Services)/joyn had to be deployed years ago and just right now it is taking off slowly.

  • Fortunately telcos realize about the potential of APIs and they are giving steps in the right direction launching developer portals as Telekom Developer Garden, AT&T Developer Program, Telefonica Bluevia and others. They are understanding finally that Parlay is not API for developers, developers needs web APIs (REST, SOAP).  Unfortunately the new communication enablers are not usually launched with API to try to generate non person-to-person communication use case from day 1.

  • It is difficult for the carriers to work at the start-up pace required if they don't learn to work with start-up's and it would mean to use their investing arms to fund interesting companies creating stuff useful for telco transformation, paying fairly for trials...and avoid screwing up innovators :-(

  • Also, incumbent vendors, the so-called NEVs, may also try to cooperate with small vendors with complementary stuff to jointly help telcos to adapt. Obvious? NO, we suffered first hand how NEVs tend to promise to offer "very soon" what small innovative vendors are doing and keep telcos (as they are more customed to work with NEVs) waiting and waiting and wasting time and time is money.

All above is the cocktail that could make telcos irrelevant in the VAS if they can not adapt properly soon, as sooner the better. Which are the keys? Telcos commercialized universal communication enablers, known user experiences that properly combined can be as Lego pieces to create services. APIs are the telco Lego. 

What can be built with that Lego? Whatever thing, communication is not about people only, or between machines only, communications is between people, services as customer care bots, machines, home sensors, etc. Today, the concept of A2P/P2A (application-to-person / person-to-application) coined for VAS using SMS is too small. 

A new term may be coined W2P/P2W (person-to-whatever thing, whatever thing-to-person) and messaging, RCS may be the enabler being the HUB of those type communications, with the benefit of not facing learning curve, chatting is chatting, sending files is sending files.  

Thanks to telco APIs and semantic technologies (a hot topic) telcos may take benefit from the texting trend and become the relevant player making easy to connect the world, not a bit level but at service level: people with customer care bots or agents (B2C communications), people with their home sensors, people with social games & new smart advertisement, people with info services with just the same tool, the same user experience. 
Too, this common user experience thanks to the APIs will be available in all the screens (web, TV), telco should not be only tied to "phone-type" devices.

Long life to the W2P coin!