TadHack Fuenlabrada satellite event summary.
Solaiemes has partnered with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (a public university in Madrid) to setup a Telco API workshop for Telecommunications and Computer Science students, as academic extracurricular activity, in the context of TADHack 2014.
The event aimed to give a glimpse into the fascinating world of APIs in general, and Telco APIs in particular, and setup very simple examples using some of the resources available as part of TADHack 2014.
The seminar was very brief, 6 hours in 2 days, it is hard to cover such a broad field, but we indeed tried. A step by step explanation of a RCS-base simple messaging service and deploying a WebRTC dialer application in just a few minutes was part of the seminar.
We hope the students got a firm grasp of the importance of telco-related services and APIs, both as a very dynamic technology arena and a potential professional focus for their upcoming entrepreneurial projects or job seeking plans.
Thanks to Pedro de las Heras (@pheras) from the URJC TIC department to help setting this up and to Alan Quayle for their encouraging opening remarks to the event.
Additional pics from the event in our Facebook Page photo album