Sunday, November 30, 2008

New ppt Company Profile, have a look !!!

We just created a company profile presentation, trying to explain our vision about mobile services, bottlenecks of current (walled-garden) and the alternative (the bit pipe), and explain our approach to boost mobile services and solutions and how we positionate our portfolio to increase the possible data based services and improve usability of existing ones . Feedback more than welcome :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Paper accepted at IMSAA 08 Conference in Bangalore

Solaiemes together with its partner, the URJC (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) submited a paper to the Second International Conference on Internet Multimedia Service Architecture & Application to be held in Bangalore (India) next 10th-12th December.
The level of companies and research centers with accepted papers is impressive ( HP, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola, NEC, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Georgia Tech among others) , and we are happy to be there :-). See list here.

Our paper "A declarative authentication and authorization framework for convergent IMS/Web application servers based on aspect oriented code injection" will be explained in Bangalore by Chema Recio, our VP. He will post in the blog about his experience there

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Solaiemes announces workshop at FICOD08

We will be present at FICOD2008 (International Forum of Digital Content). Solaiemes has prepared a Workshop on mobile UGG (User Generated Content) used in Web 2.0 (live and offline content).
We will show how easy could be adding content from mid-tier devices with no additional application, video and/or audio to websites (enterprise and mass market recreational use cases), based on our technologies LiveServe & VoxServe. The appointment is November 25th, 15:30 pm. Find the full list of workshops here. The location of the event:

Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
Avenida Capital de España Madrid, s/n.
Campo de las naciones

28042 - Madrid

Monday, November 17, 2008

Solaiemes visited Gartner IT Expo

From 3rd to 7th of November Solaiemes attended the Gartner ITxpo symposium at Cannes, where CIOs and IT people from very diverse industries put in common their experiences and thoughts.

The symposium is a week full of conferences and workshops around key points that helps to better understand the IT industry. Trends for next year are analyzed and more important, how the crisis will affect them.

It is quite a new experience for us, more used to telco events, where participants are from the IT industry and IT is the core business. In any case it is a fresh new view that comes from real IT customers with real necessities.

Most relevant findings this week, directly from analyst and industry leaders:

  • The industry must avoid the panic. It’s too late for that anyway.
  • The IT budgets in 2009 will be more or less (small % up or down) as 2008.
  • Great people – the REAL leaders – will recognize that this is no time to turn-off the creative tap, this will offer new opportunities and revenue streams or increase productivity.
  • It is time to identify the items of the portfolio not really profitable and discontinue them.
  • Stop less important projects and reasign excedent budget to the top priority ones.
  • Ian livingston, BT CEO, said cio's must be enablers and leaders of change in business

For us it is important messages as the creativity should not be stopped during crisis times, the point is focusing in less projects, not freezing whole budgets :-) and CIO's should be empowered in their roles.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Solaiemes view about economic downturn

After reading carefully the opinion of important VC's (Sequoia and Altos Ventures) about economic downturn impacting start-ups vs new opportunities, we prepared a ppt to explain from our perspective, the start-up focused in technology perspective. We think perhaps now it is time for big companies with cut budgets to focus in innovation opportunities, and start-ups are the best choice for that :-)