Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 recap and...Happy New Year 2014!

We want to wish all of you but specially to our customers, partners, followers, fans and prospects :-) a happy new year.

2013 Recap:
2013 was a challenging year for us. Finally the carriers are taking seriously that they need a messaging alternative, that SMS is great but right now, a multimedia messaging using all the possibilities of the smartphone devices and the speed of 3G and 4G networks are needed.

Also, the new messaging market with free/very cheap alternatives forces service providers to think about how to monetize, and they are realizing that the potential is in the VAS, using the API. We were pioneers in this vision and were awarded by the GSMA 2 years ago, now we see our competitors repeating our pitch.

We can say we have API GW being trialed succesfully in 4 tier-1 telcos and expect some of them going to commercial models. While competitors are trying to replicate our vision we are thinking in the next layer of value, specific servers for messaging monetization as RCS Store, RCS Developer Portal and RCS Ad Server to introduce first time the contextual advertising using the chat as media.
Also we are reinventing the group chat with the "apps in your chats" concept. Telcos are in the crossroad between becoming pipe or instead to become "real service providers" offering new services that could add revenue, our goal is to help them to stay relevant and keep a role in future communications.

Also this year 2013 was the year of WebRTC and we started to create our own technology, initially to complete the RCS API GW and put voice and RCS videoshare on the internet browser without plugings but finally we extended to a full WebRTC-Telco GW with an SDK enabling the development of innovative new Telco and Telco bridging OTT services. We can say we are already competing in tier-1 telcos RFQs with this product too.

But 2013 is coming to and end and we have some goals we could not match. We were unable to raise a growth VC round (1.2-2 M€) we need to move the company to the next stage by attending and converting many of the presales opportunities we are finding. In spite of the change of mind of some telcos, now keen on working with small companies, to compete in others with need some muscle. Being a tech company based in Spain is not easy at all and sometimes even playing at home is complicated :-(

Solaiemes took off but this coming 2014 we expect to get onboard a new investor that could add the fuel needed to reach the cruising height or a strong tech company with complementary portfolio as partner for go to market.

In the short-term we expect all of you visiting our booth at Mobile World Congress 2014.

Happy New Year 2014
the Solaiemes team

Friday, December 20, 2013

Multiparty RCS Translator. More on "apps in your chats"

Have a look to another demo of the concept "apps in your chats".
Have a look how easy could be have a chat when all the participants have not a common language, they add the translation services as a member of the chat, and get instant translation of each message.

Telcos may realize that messaging is not trying to replicate each OTT messaging new feature but exploring new blue oceans in the use of messaging.

Credits: Solaiemes RCS network API Gateway, Google Translate API, Newpace RCS core and Silta RCS Android Client

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WebRTC is the new telcos gold. See how!

We have been following the debate WebRTC vs Telco and our position is that WebRTC is a very useful tool for telcos. WebRTC makes easy to expose their communication assets reaching the internet browsers as endpoints and also with the proper SDK as a key instrument to innovate creating new services that could be monetized.

We created a demo of WebRTC Telco Service portal, allowing telcos to sell not only voice minutes for outgoing calls but also creating a new business model. A possible new revenue could come from selling incoming minutes while allowing people to call you browser using alphanumeric codes or just being authorized using Facebook Connect. This is a way to protect the privacy of your phone number while allowing others to call you. YES, it means telcos taking advantage from internet companies stuff as well.

Our WebRTC-Telco GW product has now an SDK allowing to develope telco-WebRTC services easily. We have designed 3 services and create a Service Portal that telcos can deploy today as are UNI and can be connected to whatever IMS or VoIP server.

To create a funny and customizable user interface based on widgets we used Gridster.js  a framework from Ducksboard.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

RCS "in-chat apps". Multiplayer chat based game demo.

Most of messaging apps are only taking care of person to person messaging only, Solaiemes thinks this is not a "finish-line" but a "start-line".
We created a demo using our RCS API Gateway, the pioneer RCS API in the market to create a multiplayer chat based "trivial-like" game. It is added to a group chat and allows you to start playing with your friends, and after finishing it disconnects from the group. Easy to play with.

It has been created using GSMA joyn innovation accelerator API environment, nothing else.

Which messaging app could be more open today to 3rd party innovation?

Our advice on RCS: telcos, launch soon, launch cloud, launch with API to allow developers to flood of content the RCS platform :-)

Credits: Solaiemes RCS network API Gateway, Newpace RCS core and Silta RCS Android Client

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

RCS Service Store, how chat can become alternative to apps.

Just to complete the series of RCS as a Platform vision we just uploaded the final demo explaining the concept for RCS Service Store. Our RCS API GW (RCS Solution Gateway) includes the management database to create "the store" of the rich chat based cases created with the API.

The "Store" has an API to get integrated with RCS clients or create Store-Apps independent from clients. Easily, the users may search for RCS services (banks, customer care, chat based games, learning tools, info services) and add them as a contacts. From the "app-store" to the "service-store". It would mean a new concept of app, not consuming memory, no needing updated in the mobile side, just a contact in the phonebook.

Greatest things are the simple ones. See how it works watching this video.

As usual, any feedback more than welcomed

Monday, November 11, 2013

RCS as a Platform. Concept, deploying API easily and Monetization case. New Solaiemes site to explain the how to.


Solaiemes has published a minisite "RCS as a platform by Solaiemes" to make easier to understand the potential of instant messaging as a la platform, how to deploy in days the network API and offer it to the developers and how to monetize "RCS" using as context for advertisement third party cases created with the API.

Yes, RCS has a business case, and can be the initial point for telcos take a slice of the cake of contextual advertising business.

Telcos, it'stime to get down to work and we can help :-)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rich Communication 2013 event. Our view.

We attended the Rich Communication conference in Berlin last week. Juan, our co-founder participated in the WebRTC workshop chaired by Alan Quayle, you can find the slides here. We participated in 2 pannels discussing how RCS deployments were going and the potential of the API to go beyong the person to person messaging case.

Regarding the WebRTC vs RCS, it was explained how WebRTC is a technology that broadens the telco communication reach for services as voice and RCS media (videoshare and IP Videocall). We made live demos involving WebRTC to provide media in RCS clients, also to create Webphones.

During the 2 days of conference along the many keynotes and panels it was clear that RCS is happening, in different ways but happening. The industry is just intruducing the A/B testing for RCS, some telcos are testing with "joyn" common brand and others are introducing RCS as natural evolution of SMS/MMS. RCS UI is combining RCS chat/file transfer and using SMS/MMS when the other party is not RCS enabled. It was the case of the service explained by Vodafone & Wit.

Also, it is interesting to see potential dual deployments on-net + OTT RCS to try to expand the RCS user base until latecomers will be launching. It was the case of Sprint in the US.

Another of the hot topics discussed was the IMS vs non-IMS deployments. As Brent from Newpace said during his presentations, the last editions of the events the presence of the big NEVs trying to sell the "big IMS concept" was overwhelming and this year the RCS hosted solution vendors took charge of the show.

API, API, API....network API...YES! Not only us but several vendors and telcos emphasized the role of the API and the need to open RCS communication to B2C and other person to "something" experiences. Deutsche Telekom & Orange talked about the Paris to Berling hackaton.
The winner in Berlin was Yeppt and we all saw the video of how a web based service can use joyn to add additional channel for their users to interact with their service.

Other speakers as Naren from DT stated the important role of RCS API with examples of human-service instant messaging interaction.

Some telcos with not yet deployed RCS talk about their plans, how they are issuing RFQs, how they plan to use RCS not only as messaging tool but replacing/improving the A2P business they made along the years with the SMS. We see that our vision is shared with telcos (and we fear that now also with competitors).

In our opinion this was the best edition of the event. There was not taboo to talk openly about OTT competitiors as Whatsapp and analyze the opportunities as B2C comms that Whatsapp is not promoting yet. This a very good opportunity for telcos to take the lead there.

Finally, we are starting a newsletter, please join our mailing list here

UPDATE: find a full review of the event by Alan Quayle here .

Monday, November 4, 2013

We start a Newsletter...you can join our list

We are starting to use email marketing to send 6-8 a year newsletters covering our news. We would like to have suscribed our customers, prospects, partners, analysts, supporters and fans. We are using Mailchimp and you will have the links to unsuscribe at anytime at your convenience. But we promise to make a superb effort to get you interested :-)

You can preview the 1st Issue here.

Please, suscribe to our newsletter

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Friday, October 25, 2013

RCS Developer Portal as a Service. Revolutioning how telco API may be offered.

We are pleased to announce a new offering, the concept of RCS Developer Portal as a Service. Telcos will be able to launch RCS API at the same time that RCS/joyn service itself. No painful integrations, experiment what plug&play means ;).

The telcos just need to provide connectivity with the telco SBC and a bunch of RCS users (numbers) to be used as developer created services will be enough.

What about the API Management layer? Well, it is not needed to try to reinvent the wheel, the portal front-end and API Management use 3Scale, one of the leading vendors in the API management field. The developer look&feel and the developer plans are fully customizable.

Time now for telcos to use the cloud for their own enablers exposure. Time is money!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Product: RCS Advertising Platform. Creating a role for telcos in the advertisement market.

We got involved in RCS 3 year ago and pioneered the REST API network exposure. We received many telco feedbacks about considering great the API to create person-to-service cases but were concerned about the monetization capabilities of RCS/joyn in a context of free messaging apps competition. With this new product that is combined with RCS API GW, we provide telcos a white-label platform to engage development and create a new business model, use the contextual advertising in-chat RCS API based services created by developers.

In a sentence, a Google Adwords/Adsense model for telcos, using the instant messaging (not the search or blogs) as the media to insert ads.

We are sure that properly used it could be a very smart marketing model, both, for developers and users, and the API GW only will insert the chat or file transfer (pic, audio, etc). The textual and also location (push/pull) will allow a very accurated targetting, being this new mobile marketing the way to make service providers strong players in the SOLOMO (social, local, mobile).

Also, finally telcos can use their enablers to engage and foster the ecosystem by proposing a fair revenue sharing model while users are enjoying new services for free.

Any feedback welcomed.

Monday, October 21, 2013

#joynhack in Berlin, welcome the RCS API Hackatons

Two "solaiemers" attendend the joyn Hackaton in Berlin past weekend. Organized by Orange and Deutsche Telekom the 2 hackatons, one in Paris last month and one in Berlin the past weekend make clear that RCS/joyn is not only about person to person messaging but a platform. The platform is useful for developers to create amazing use cases for the users.

During the weekend the RCS API was used in 2 ways: embedding RCS communications in apps and creating network based services. The winner of #joyn category (Yeppt) was the "porting" of a web based service to the chateable experience.

We welcome this kind of initiatives to engage developers. RCS can enrich the apps and also can complement the App model by providing an alternative interaction model based in chat & file transfer as we explained our last post.

It would be great to see other telcos organizing this kind of hackatons, engaging developers to use their exposed or "to be exposed soon" enablers and also to get first hand feedback from the real movers of the ecosystem, the developers.

The greatest feature joyn/RCS can have versus OTT's is the openness, the API to go beyond the person to person messaging.

You can see the G+ of the event with pics uploaded by organizers here

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Understanding the RCS network REST API potential in just 4 minutes.

We prepared in-house a 4 minutes cartoon-type video explaining the potential of the RCS/joyn network API. It shows examples of its use to make RCS messaging a platform by making the phonebook a hub of chateable services.

If you like it, please share :-)
the Solaiemes team

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Solaiemes WebRTC-Telco Gateway. Telco voice (including PSTN) easily ubiquitous.

Solaiemes works hard to help telcos to adapt to the new competitive scenario. We see WebRTC as huge opportunity for telcos as they finally are not depending on 3rd parties and their roadmaps to deliver "physical end-points". Also, we continue relying on UNI (user to network interface) approach to avoid painful integrations with the telco cores. Connecting to the SBC is the perfect way, plug&play, works inmediately and allows cloud deployment when needed.

We can say we tested the platform in several live telco environments, and it worked with no integration at all needed. Just provisionate in the platform the user credentials and voice become ubiquitous. We published videodemos in previous posts: webphone and RCS webphone.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Telco VAS decline, the key role of telco APIs & the coining of a new term W2P

Telco is an industry facing transformation, basic services being cash-cows with high margins as voice and SMS, and lately broadband, are becoming commodities in a fierce competitive market. Most of telco customers are contracting plans with a number of minutes, SMS and data enough for their needs at very low prices.

Value Added Services (VAS) being perceived as the next stream of revenues are not properly implemented by telcos. We could read this week about the VAS revenue declining.

What is happening? Well, too many things at a time:

  • Telco enablers as Voice and SMS for VAS being exploded more successfully by companies creating REST API to use the communications enablers as they are costume to work with social networka and internet tools APIs. Companies as Tropo, Twilio, Plivo make easier to use telco enablers than the own telcos.

  • New communication enablers beyond voice and SMS as rich messaging are being pioneered and led by amazing "over the top" companies as Whatsapp, Line, WeChat (Tencent) harming telcos in 2 ways: commoditizing the enhanced messaging as being offered for free or just for a small annual fee, and capturing new VAS market share (virtual goods, B2C, etc).

  • Service providers (carriers) are not properly adapted to the new times: years to deploy a new technology is not an acceptable period, waiting to the perfect standards with all the features defined is not how now service cycles work. RCS (Rich Communication Services)/joyn had to be deployed years ago and just right now it is taking off slowly.

  • Fortunately telcos realize about the potential of APIs and they are giving steps in the right direction launching developer portals as Telekom Developer Garden, AT&T Developer Program, Telefonica Bluevia and others. They are understanding finally that Parlay is not API for developers, developers needs web APIs (REST, SOAP).  Unfortunately the new communication enablers are not usually launched with API to try to generate non person-to-person communication use case from day 1.

  • It is difficult for the carriers to work at the start-up pace required if they don't learn to work with start-up's and it would mean to use their investing arms to fund interesting companies creating stuff useful for telco transformation, paying fairly for trials...and avoid screwing up innovators :-(

  • Also, incumbent vendors, the so-called NEVs, may also try to cooperate with small vendors with complementary stuff to jointly help telcos to adapt. Obvious? NO, we suffered first hand how NEVs tend to promise to offer "very soon" what small innovative vendors are doing and keep telcos (as they are more customed to work with NEVs) waiting and waiting and wasting time and time is money.

All above is the cocktail that could make telcos irrelevant in the VAS if they can not adapt properly soon, as sooner the better. Which are the keys? Telcos commercialized universal communication enablers, known user experiences that properly combined can be as Lego pieces to create services. APIs are the telco Lego. 

What can be built with that Lego? Whatever thing, communication is not about people only, or between machines only, communications is between people, services as customer care bots, machines, home sensors, etc. Today, the concept of A2P/P2A (application-to-person / person-to-application) coined for VAS using SMS is too small. 

A new term may be coined W2P/P2W (person-to-whatever thing, whatever thing-to-person) and messaging, RCS may be the enabler being the HUB of those type communications, with the benefit of not facing learning curve, chatting is chatting, sending files is sending files.  

Thanks to telco APIs and semantic technologies (a hot topic) telcos may take benefit from the texting trend and become the relevant player making easy to connect the world, not a bit level but at service level: people with customer care bots or agents (B2C communications), people with their home sensors, people with social games & new smart advertisement, people with info services with just the same tool, the same user experience. 
Too, this common user experience thanks to the APIs will be available in all the screens (web, TV), telco should not be only tied to "phone-type" devices.

Long life to the W2P coin!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Solaiemes participated in the TelcoAPI workshop at SDP Summit.

Solaiemes had the opportunity to attend the SDP Global Summit organized by Informa Telecoms  & Media the past 17-20th September in Rome.

It was an interesting event with telcos and vendors explaining their approaches to the "service delivery". Topics as how close API exposure & telco core have to be in the architecture and long tail versos internal/enterprise users to be the target were discussed.

Our opinion is that telco exposure may be done in a way that could be deployed easily, and with no/little integration tasks. We know big vendors sometimes like the complexity as a form of lock-in but we embrace UNI-exposure (user to network interface, API behaving as telco-client/end-point). It is the way we are doing for RCS API exposure and also for WebRTC-Telco exposure.

We are including our slides from the TelcoAPI post-conference Workshop chaired by Alan Quayle where we could share the stage with great companies as Tropo, Telestax & Apidaze. We talked about RCS API as opportunity for telcos in the B2C communications space.

Alan Quayle just published about the SDP Summit review and the TelcoAPI Workshop with his own slides and the slides from participants in the SDP Summit and the workshop.

We particularly recommend the slides 36-64 of the his presentation, priceless as it is described with funny slides why the old-telco mindset could make telcos irrelevant soon. It would make no sense, many vendors, established ones and young blood ones are trying to help them to stay relevant and competitive players in the new communication services field.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Voxeo Pioneers Use Of joyn In Business-To-Consumer Communications Using Solaiemes’ RCS API Gateway

Voxeo CXP is the first Multi-Channel Application Platform to support joyn as a communication channel for more engaging mobile customer self-service 

Cologne, Germany and Madrid, Spain, September 04, 2013 – Voxeo, an Aspect company, is pioneering the use of the joyn messaging service in business-to-consumer communication by adding it to its award-winning Voxeo CXP multi-channel self-service platform, allowing companies to offer much richer, more engaging mobile self-service communications to their customers. Voxeo has integrated joyn into its CXP (formerly VoiceObjects) platform using the Solaiemes’ RCS API Gateway, creating a developer-friendly environment for fast and easy deployment of joyn-powered apps to existing customer communication strategies.

joyn was developed by the GSMA as a joint service initiative between carriers and handset providers. It allows individuals and organisations to share images, documents, music, video and other files during or outside of a regular telephone call. Like SMS, it comes pre-installed and configured on the mobile phones of participating carriers. Voxeo’s award-winning CXP application lifecycle management suite is the first multi-channel self-service platform in the industry to support joyn, helping to advance the Rich Communications Services (RCS) network.

 “joyn has huge potential for business-to-consumer communication, both in agent-assisted and automated self-service solutions,” says Tobias Goebel, Voxeo’s director of mobile strategy. “By introducing joyn to Voxeo CXP via Solaiemes’ RCS API Gateway, it becomes exceptionally easy for organisations to add joyn-powered apps to their customer communication strategies in a fully integrated fashion.”

Voxeo CXP is the first application development and lifecycle management suite that helps customer service departments build, deploy, manage, and analyse automated applications on joyn, in addition to the IVR, mobile Web, and SMS channels that CXP also supports. Voxeo has integrated joyn with its CXP platform using the Solaiemes’ RCS API Gateway. Solaiemes facilitates the integration of non-RCS platforms through a simple but powerful HTTP interface.

Voxeo deployed a pilot program of joyn-enabled Voxeo CXP with one of its European mobile carrier clients. The carrier reported a high degree of success in designing self-service applications that, for example, allow the customer to request account status information or top up their prepaid account.

Voxeo and Solaiemes expect the joyn-enabled CXP platform to be adopted rapidly by its mobile carrier clients, who are eager to derive added value from their investment in the development of this new messaging standard. Ultimately joyn should see adoption in the enterprise as well, as its communications streams can be encrypted, thereby allowing more secure B2C communication than can be provided by third-party vendors. For example, travel companies could use it to allow self-service and ticket distribution, or insurance companies to capture video footage of accident damage.

 “Solaiemes envisioned from the beginning the potential of joyn instant messaging as something beyond the person-to-person casual messaging, and considered it a perfect channel for B2C communication,” comments Juan Mateu, Solaiemes co-founder. “It is exciting to see Voxeo add joyn as a communications channel in its CXP multi-channel self-service platform and make joyn available to companies to communicate with their customers”.

About Solaiemes
Solaiemes creates infrastructure to help carriers, MVNO’s and service providers to enrich the communication experience making it ubiquitous and available to 3rd parties to create value added services on top. Solaiemes pioneered the 3rd party API exposure of RCS/joyn to build application to person and person to application use cases and different types of endpoints, combining telecommunications and internet spaces. Visit http://www.solaiemes.com

About Aspect
Aspect’s fully-integrated solution unifies the three most important facets of modern contact center management: customer interaction management, workforce optimization, and back-office. We help the world’s most demanding contact centers seamlessly align their people, processes and touch points to deliver remarkable customer experiences. For more information, visit www.aspect.com.

About Voxeo
Voxeo, an Aspect company, removes the locks that make voice, SMS, instant messaging, Twitter, web chat, mobile web, unified communications and self-service applications difficult to create, manage, analyze, optimize and afford. Every day we work to unlock the neglected value of these communications solutions with open standards, disruptive innovation and a passion for problem solving–fueled by an obsession with customer success. We do so for more than 250,000 developers, 45,000 companies and half of the Fortune 100. Visit us or join our conversations on the web at www.voxeo.com, blogs.voxeo.com, or twitter.com/voxeo.

PR at Voxeo's site

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

WebRTC Phone. Fix phone is not anymore something tied to a wire.

Following our previous post where we show a full communicator based on WebRTC including voice, video, and RCS/joyn features we received some questions from customers & prospects about if it could be used only to extent the reach of traditional PSTN or VoIP numbers with a simple UX.

The answer is YES, OF COURSE. We prepared a simpler WebRTC Phone supporting voice call, phonebook (NAB, network address book) and the call register. Have a look please:

(*) Note: it is difficult to record the live audio from demos :-(, but we can say and show the audio-quality is better that it could seem listening the video :-)  You can request a demo.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Google Chrome becomes a real phone with Solaiemes WebRTC.

Solaiemes is using WebRTC to build a compelling solution to help telcos to deliver ubiquitously their communication services. Now, we have created for Google Chrome (the most advanced WebRTC browser) a web-phone that enables a PSTN line (it could be also a mobile line or VoIP) to be accessed everywhere just with a browser.
You can see how you can dial a number and make a simple call, or you can be reached by a mobile joyn capable number and enjoy the features of RCS/joyn as video-share.

Fix carriers are no restricted anymore to offer communications tied to a physical wire, VoIP telcos are now free to offer their services tied to softphones to be installed or VoIP physical phones, mobile numbers will be also available from a web browser. The communications revolution is just starting and telcos must defend its role by delighting their customers.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Solaiemes to offer joyn as a platform for Firefox OS. Personal messaging & chat based use cases in one.

Finally Firefox OS is taking off. The web as a platform in this new concept of smartphones matches completely with the Solaiemes vision of keeping telco stuff at telco side, and build the communication experience witht the telco API exposure.

Solaiemes already has a HTML5 client for Firefox OS to be tested by telcos in the market. It is based on the standard OMA RCS API exposed by RCS Thin Client Server product, compatible with all RCS core solutions (ZTE, Newpace, Ericsson, etc) and even with SIP Servers as Kamailio.

See what can be done with joyn on Firefox OS in this minisite joynfirefoxos.solaiemes.com

We are offering to test it in our RCS-Lab environment and test also the concept of chateable services (info services, casual games, self-service CRM) that you can also create easily with the REST API.

Also, it could be used as client for the GSMA joyn Innovation Accelerator  to test the use cases you are creating.

It's time for telcos comitted with Firefox OS to take an active role in enriching the platform with useful services and also create a framework for open innovation with 3rd parties using joyn API.
Developers can now work in a way to create alternative UX to use their services using enriched messaging: chat, group chat, file transfer, location push, etc. In this new platform joyn and OTT messaging are departing from the same line, and telcos can take the lead if move faster, just try :)

We are offering trial package for telcos including:

- 6 months license for RCS Thin Client Server (powering joyn client comms) & RCS Solution GW powering the 3rd Party exposure API to create A2P & M2P cases.
- Integrating with telco RCS full core (IMS + IM AS), IMS or using a SIP server as core. We can provide with a partner a hosted RCS Core if needed.
- Developer portal with testbed pc client to test easily the use cases based on joyn created.
- Training to internal developers and telco developer partners & Hackaton participation.
- A package of hours to help the telco to create own proof of concepts of joyn based service.
- Upon request support.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

joyn casual games, m-learning & sponsoring of interactive services as a new way of mobile marketing.

We are presenting a new demo to demonstrate the use cases of joyn as a platform for services. A casual game based on chat interaction which also can be a learning tool has been creating by combining our RCS network API and a content API, a linguistic API by our friends of Molino de Ideas, see APIcultur.

Also, we unveil how these services can be offered for free to the users and monetized with smart advertisement & couponing, with perfect targetting as you can find the right sponsor to the use case offered. In-joyn-advergaming is born :-)

Quick service development, easy mash-up combining APIs, smart advertisement space, fun for the user...let's think in joyn because the person to person messaging initial case.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Telcos & You Developer. Our presentation at API Days Mediterranea

We were invited to speak at API Days Mediterranea event organized by apicultur (thanks a lot for the invitation).

It was a very interesting event about APIs: types of API and use cases, API management approaches, API business models and also telco APIs.

We would like to share the slides and demos of our talk about the telcos and their new role close to developers by exposing their communication APIs and RCS / joyn as a potential huge enabler for devs.

Looking forward next time event :-)

Friday, May 17, 2013

joyn location push API. The future enabler for LBS. Demo: city bus information.

We want to unveil a new call of our joyn API, the location push and want to explain how it can be a key enabler for future LBS in the fields of information, couponing, advertisement.
In this demo we are using joyn to create a real time information system of public transportation. We are using OpenData API from EMT, the local city bus company in Madrid.

The future of mobility will be creating a lot of services combining content APIs and channel API as the joyn/RCS. No need to install individual apps to access to each type of info you may require, just the phonebook will be the hub of services. Stay tunned, soon more.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

IMS World Forum summary.

We attended the IMS World Forum last week and also showcased in the WebRTC pre-conference Workshop our case of WebRTC, to create ubiquitious Unified Communications in the browser combining voice and joyn and using WebRTC for media.

Alan Quayle who chaired the workshop just published a post with all the slides and demos showcased there. Once againg we could see that small companies are ahead both in vision and execution of telcos and could be very helpful if telcos approached properly.

Some points to summarize the conference:

a) Finally IMS is taking off but too linked to particular services as VoLTE, telcos are not seeing yet IMS as core container of multiple services and just wants the first case to pay the full IMS. This is not easy.

b) In case of RCS, RCS in a box and/or hosted vendors (as Newpace) are finding a very good opportunity there. RCS is getting traction as more vendors not involved till now are offering now Instant Messaging Application Server.

c) We could identify among the speakers the ones finding reasons to do and the others looking for reasons to delay and delay and delay. Some speakers talk about WebRTC as opportunity to create endpoints for IMS but they talked about the need to wait until codec issue was solved and be sure about QoS control. As the chair of the session pointed, last chain of QoS can not be controlled, it is not a real advantage.
Also, we knew about IMS based services deployment plans, for example the presented by Sebastian Schumann by Slovak Telekom Mavenir speaker slides included MetroPCS roadmap including joyn API enabled cases, sharing our vision.

d) A lot of debate about business models. Telcos did not understand yet that Say's Law is real today in the IT space. Supply created demand. It happened with OTTs, it happened with independent telco APIs  as Tropo or Twilio. Telcos may take a bit of risk to create services that can attract the demand and see how to monetize. We talk recently about that in this post.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Solaiemes to demonstrate enabling PSTN+joyn ubiquity using WebRTC in IMS World Forum.

We will be demoing at IMS World Forum 2013 (organized by Informa TM) how telcos can take the benefits of to new technologies RCS messaging and WebRTC to access to media components of devices to revamp the value of PSTN (and also mobile) lines. We would like to show how Unified Communications could be built just a mash-up of standards and APIs.

The pre-conference WebRTC Wosrshop will be conducted on Monday 22nd and will be conducted by Alan Quayle (telco analyst & owner of Alan Quayle Business & Service Development) and Jose de Castro (Voxeo Labs CTO).  You can see the list of companies and demos participating in these posts in the Alan's blog http://alanquayle.com/2013/02/webrtc-at-the-ims-world-forum/ and a further update http://alanquayle.com/2013/04/update-apidaze-io-quobis-and-telestax-join-the-webrtc-pre-conference-at-the-ims-world-forum/

We would like to say thanks for the opportunity to demo how to apply our technology to the telco world and share event with companies we know as Voxeo Labs, Telestax, Quobis, etc and meet there other amazing companies.

We will be also attending the full event and available for networking. If you also attending and want to know more about that and what we are doing for joyn/RCS and WebRTC email us to schedule a meeting.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Telcos: from cash cow farm to worker bee hive.

Telcos are in a challenging position, they have to change to adapt to the new times and new competition and it is not easy. Traditionally services providers business models were based in a few cash cows under their control or farm, and customers customed to consume milk forever. The life expectancy of a cow is about 20 years. It was quite easy till now, telcos invested in networks and they have milk for years and years to sell to their customers.

Companies using the data connectivity, so called OTTs, had cannibalized the revenues from sacred cash cows and it was a fast process when combined 3G and smartphones rise.

Net neutrality is here, it is here to stay, and it is fair that net neutrality exists. The service providers may not leave the tradidional role of providing "communication services" to become "just pipe" but they may adapt to new times and new ways of creating and offering "communication services" to their customers. It is time to compare cows and worker bees.

- Cows live 20 years and bees live about 100 days.
- Cows tend to live in a closed farm and be a reduced number (tens, hundreds in each farm), worker bees are living thousands in each hive.
- The milk from a cow is measured in litres, the honey produced by each hive just grams.

Business analogies are clear:

- Money will come from honey sweets.
- Each revenue from a worker bee will last a reduced time but new services-sweets will be replacing old ones in a very fast cycle, the same observed in OTT space.
- Big amount of bees can not be in a telco closed environment and fully under control, bees will be also 3rd parties.
- The hive will be the API and the API will keep the produced honey.

What is the new role of the telco, becoming the perfect hive, exposing their enablers (Voice, IMS, RCS/joyn) to be a good home for developer bees and also creating a model were bees also could feed themselves from their honey production.

Telcos may become hive / platforms. The sooner the better.

Friday, March 8, 2013

MWC 2013 Summary: finally joyn is taking off.

One week after MWC we would like to summarize the key topics related with the technology we do.
Finally joyn took off, announcements as America Movil launching in Mexico using the Vodafone hosted core and the brave move from MetroPCS announcing the lauch of joyn as OTT for non-customers in North America were impressive. We were visited by other telcos soon to launch using that shared joyn hosted core asking about our network API exposure and compatibility (yes, it is compatible).

Also the RCS Seminar was very interesting and we could listen from marketers from big consumer brands as CocaCola and L'Oreal talk about the need of a "multimedia" global reach way to interact with customers, and joyn could be this new global reach channel. This is what our API enables :-)

We received many visits, and visitors sent to our booth by previous visitors. We received people from 5 continents, and even were interviewed for an asian TV broadcaster and received a positive mention by a telco leading analyst, Alan Quayle. We also met potential investors and new potential partners.

After 1 week read new annoucements as Zain lauching joyn in the Middle East and Forrester starting to cover joyn and pointing its role for business comms and the API as key element and we know that more telcos are issuing RFI/RFP for RCS core solutions and requiring network API exposure, good to see they got the "as a platform" concept.

Other hot topic was Firefox OS, the new mobile platform based on HTML5 and new telcos and device manufacturers supporting it. We were the first in the world to demonstrate joyn using HTML5 in Firefox OS devices using the developer devices (1st Firefox OS device) by our friends of Geeksphone.

We could also install our joyn client in the stand of ZTE with ist Firefox OS phone, and took 1 pic :-)

As Firefox OS could be the first smartphone for most of people, telcos can leverage it by deploying joyn based on our network API, not telcos protocols, just HTML5, our product matches the Firefox OS philosophy, the backend could be telco stuff, but the front-end could be based on web technologies.

As a summary, we are positive, joyn is a kyte starting to fly, winds in favour now.

Regarding the new venue perhaps it is too big and not so well communicated by public transport, we miss the old venue for MWC.
Our photo-album of the event just here

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Synchronoss to use Solaiemes RCS Thin Client Server API to deliver web based RCS with its NAB & Personal Cloud

Synchronoss (Nasdaq SNCR) today released a PR during MWC 2013 that will showcase RCS communication as part of its Personal Cloud and Network Address Book products.
The demo will show the integration of RCS (joyn) web client using Solaiemes RCS Thin Client Server API.

The Synchronoss PR

We are glad to see companies adding RCS capabilities to their products and check the amazing potential of RCS joyn REST API to add new use cases and applications to joyn.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

joyn for Firefox OS, telco IMS messaging delivered as web

Happy to announce our solution to power joyn in Firefox OS devices. See our videodemo: joyn communication between Firefox OS client and Android GSMA accredited client.

We believe in the Firefox OS philosophy of using web standards and our solution uses the joyn API to avoid to put SIP, MSRP protocols in the device. The joyn API Server (RCS Thin Client Server product) + HTML5 frond-end is the right combination to deliver mass market rich communications in many markets where Firefox OS is forecasted to get meaningful marketshare. 

Firefox OS device: Geeksphone Keon
joyn Android app client: Silta Neusoft 
joyn API & HTML5 client: Solaiemes

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

joyn voice & videoshare between iPad WebRTC client and mobile client

In Solaiemes we are trying to help telcos to make available their communication services ubiquitously, and WebRTC philosophy fits with our aim.
In this demo you can see a iPad joyn WebRTC client based on our joyn API and LiveServe media server running using the browser "Bowser" by Ericsson Labs for iOS (the Apple mobile/tablet OS).

For this proof of concept we linked a real PSTN number to the joyn WebRTC client. A voice call is done between WebRTC and mobile app accredited client (by Silta-Neusoft).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Solaiemes to exhibit at MWC 2013

Solaiemes will be present at Mobile World Congress 2013 as exhibitor next 25-28 February in Barcelona.
This year will be the year of RCS/joyn. It took too long to be a reality in the market but finally it is. We can see live services in Spain, Germany, US & South Corea, 3 continents during the past 2012. RFI/RFQ acitvity is progressively meaningful.
Also, during 2012 our aim of RCS as a platform open & ubiquitous became a key differentiator from OTTs. GSMA launched the joyn Innovation Accelerator to engage developers with the services and experiment with the joyn network API and we were selected as API supplier.
We are working with 3 tier-1 groups and have a number of prospects we expect to convert along 2013.

We are interested in meeting during the MWC with:

- Telcos: mobile, fixed, triple play or even OTTs eager to integrate joyn in their offerings.
- Investors: yes, we are looking for some fuel to accelerate our growth.
- Partners: complementary technology providers or integrators wanting to pioneer joyn in their countries integrating our solutions.
- M&A guys from companies interested in expanding portfolio through selected acquisitions.

Our stand will be located in the Spanish Pavilion #CS60, in the corridor between Halls 4&5 (same corridor where GSMA stand will be located).

If you want to schedule a meeting contact us at: mwc (at) solaiemes (dot) com
See you there !!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

joyn, the right match for M2P, the internet of people and things.

We would like to introduce the M2P (machine to person) possibilities using joyn / RCS as the mechanishm to interact the people with their devices (home sensors, freezer, oven, etc). Natural text interaction will be the best way to ask for information to "your things" and also be reachen when "your things" need to send you an important information as alert. Using joyn network API is very easy to create this type of services using standard messaging and not needing to install further apps. Your things are just contacts in your phonebook, doesn't it innovative? 

Note: this demos was recorded in a live joyn network, using an accredited mobile client by Summitech and the sensor mote by Libelium.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Firefox OS App Days Madrid summary: this platform rocks!

Last Saturday I attended the Firefox OS App Days in Madrid (it was a parallel event in a lot of cities) organized by Mozilla Hispano. Firstly I would say a big congrats to the organizers for the perfect organization: a pure entrepreneur environment venue (The Garage) in the city center, good food, working WiFi,  very good introductory keynotes, and the opportunity to show apps done during hack session and other just ported from web/js sites. Congrats to the winner of the developer devices by Geeksphone.

About 130 attendants (including web design experts, entrepreneurs, students, geeks) had a lot of fun being introduced to this new platform that could become revolutionary. Also attendedrepresentatives from Geeksphone, the first manufacturer that presented Firefox OS devices that will be available soon and from Telefonica which is a partner of Mozilla trough their Open Web Device initiative.

The concept of WebApp based in HTML5 and JavaScript having access from the web to the device resources (camera, storage, contacts) using APIs with different security hierarchy levels makes very easy to create compelling cases, even easier that in popular platforms as iOS and Android.

Firefox OS could be the leading platform replacing the feature phones because it bring-down the 2 barriers:

1) Economic as it enables full smartphone experience with more affordable hardware.

2) The IT literacy needed, the one people forgets. Today we can find people is keeping feature phones not just because they can not afford an smartphone but they fear the interface, icons disappearing, touching and arriving to screens were they can read "kill proccess", "stop service" etc. The web UI is great: more intuitive and just a button to be "at home".

We have analyzed the plarform (soon will shot the demo of our client for joyn based in network REST API) and it is what can be used by telcos to include as web their IMS messaging, RCS joyn, avoiding to include "fat clients with all protocol stacks". In several countries were Firefox OS will be the main smartphone platform telcos may try to challenge from the beginning the great OTT messaging alternatives and we want to help them to compete offering value and innovation to their customers :-)


Monday, January 14, 2013

joyn for Firefox OS available as HTML5 app using Solaiemes RCS network API.

We are happy to announce that Solaiemes is already testing a joyn client based in our RCS Thin Client Server product for Firefox OS.

Firefox OS by Mozilla (based on Boot2Gecko project) and backed by an important group of telcos as Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Telenor, Telecom Italia, Sprint and Smart will be a game changer.

It is expected the first mass market comercial devices by ZTE and TCL appearing early this year. With an affordable HW it will be possible to have the power of high devices smartphones. Also the UI will be customized easily, as it is based in web technologies as HTML5.

Solaiemes adapted its joyn Web Client powered by our RCS Thin Client Server network API to become an HTML5 app, reducing needed bandwith and improving the user experience as the UI is run from the device itself. Also, it combines the advantadges of the cloud as you can have all your communication history (chat and transfered media) in the cloud. No need then to deploy SIP, MSRP and RTP stacks in the device draining battery and overloading the CPU. Our aim is to combine the powerful features of standard telco comms based on IMS as the core of the messaging and the flexibility of web technologies to deliver the best user experience in the device.

It is expected that Firefox OS will disrupt emerging markets and particular segments in mature markets, and telcos have the chance to leverage the opportunity and re-state its role by providing smoothly integrated the telco messaging features from the beginning. RCS Thin Client Server is interoperated with the leading IMS and IM AS, and RCS-e Core in a Box vendors, then, deploying the solution is plug&play.

We will be presenting it officially in the coming Mobile World Congress 2013. Any question or feedback more than welcomed.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Alpha & Telco words together? Great!

One of the CES 2013 most commented news has been the AT&T announcement of its Call Management API and Alpha API program.
Powered by Voxeo Labs Tropo API and the Ericsson IMS. The annoucement got a lot of awareness. A big congrats to those companies.
You can find an excelent post on that by Alan Quayle here.

Solaiemes always aimed telcos opening its assets to 3rd parties in an easy wat to create services on top with win-win-win value (telco, developers, and final users.
We have been listening during years from carrier people: "we are not allowed to launch in beta", "people will not accept betas from us", "impossible to launch without a final closed spec behind". Well, finally, bells were ringing, bands playing and everyone in holiday attire.

A major telco realized that beta is better than nothing, and that even "alpha" is good, as perhaps the final product needed will be adding ideas from 3rd parties as feedback. This is how technology world works and telcos are part of this world.

We invite all telcos to follow the alpha-strategy to find new use cases for their communication assets, to open their networks for external innovation, because new services and innovation will seed the future revenues. And of course, please telcos...this strategy is the good one for RCS joyn :-)