Solaiemes at NGMAST08
I'm comming from the Second International Conference on Next Generations Mobile Applications Services and Tecnologies (NGMAST 2008), which has taken place on the beautiful city of Cardiff, Wales (U.K.) between 16th and 19th September. Solaiemes has been one of the companies selected to participate at the conference with a paper contribution and a presentation of our novel P2MP services based on our Liveserve technology.
Besides having a very nice time at Cardiff enjoying the organizers hospitality, Solaiemes engineers had the oportunity of exchanging ideas with many of the most important companies working in next generation mobile services including vendors like Nokia or Ericsson and operators like Telefónica and Orange.

This kind of participation and interaction contributes to guarateeing that Solaiemes maintains the highest standards in research and development of novel mobile services and contributes to consolidate Solaiemes as a relevant actor in the area.