Solaiemes will attend Rich Communications 2012 and GSMA events in Berlin next week
Solaiemes will attend next week 2 events in Berlin. On 6-7 November the Rich Communication 2012 event by Informa Telecom and Media and the joyn Innovation Challenge workshop by the GSMA.
In the Rich Communication 2012 event Juan Mateu, our co-founder will participate as panelist in the panel "Analysing the future for RCS as a mass market service – how to maximise return on investment" and will explain our view about making RCS-e / joyn the first messaging alternative conceived "as a platform" to deliver use cases on top by 3rd parties thanks to the API.
Developers, no matter where they are based, now can have access to a live joyn system and familiarize with the API to explore the possibilities of using the messaging as a platform and creating their own proof of concept of services.
Solaiemes is a technology partner of the joyn Innovation Accelerator.
For us it is very relevant that joyn will have network API (telco API) from the beginning, it could help to boost innovation around the RCS in the same way that it was done with SMS in the past with the SMS gateways and today is being done with compelling APIs.
We promise to blog back about the highlights of both events :-)
If you are going to attend whatever of these events and want to meet us, drop us a email or tweet and we will contact you.