Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Solaiemes is Red Herring Global 2008 Finalist.
Solaiemes has been selected finalist of Red Herring global 100. Red Herring Global is composed of companies from four continents and over 25 nations. Technology industry executives, investors, and observers regard the Red Herring 100 lists as an invaluable instrument to discover and advocate the promising startups that will lead the next wave of disruption and innovation. Past award winners include Google, Yahoo!, Skype, Netscape,, and YouTube.
The list, looking to match in the final round the 100 top tech start-up is not restricted to the internet/software industry, but nanotechnology, bio, renewable energies, microelectronics, etc.
We think this will help us to "evangelize" our value purpose for mobility. We will attentding the San Diego conference, next January 14-16th.
see you there.
If you are VC o potential partner attending San Diego conference and want to schedule a meeting, please, contact us.
Publicado por
8:14 AM
Etiquetas: award, red herring, redherring, solaiemes
Monday, December 15, 2008
Solaiemes, to exhibit at Mobile World Congress 2009
We are glad to announce we will be present at Mobile World Congress 2009. Barcelona 16-19th February 2009.
Our booth will be located in the Innovation Zone at Hall 7 (booth IZ9). The Innovation Zone is an initiative of the GSMA Mobile Innovation Market, the GSMA branch trying to approach mobility start-up's to major telco and big infrastructure suppliers. Solaiemes is an innovator member of Mobile Innovation Market.
Close to the exhibition days we will publish a "how to arrive..." map :-)
This year we will showcase new features of our LiveServe (framwork for mobile to web live and posted video) , AVISG (multimodal interaction, voice guided browsing, co-browsing call-center, push predictive BI browsing) and the new product line VoxServe creating added value usecases in UGC, ERP and CRM using Push-To-Talk technologies.
Hope to meet you there, if interested in scheduling a meeting do not hesitating contact us.
Solaiemes team
Publicado por
4:02 PM
Etiquetas: mobile innovation market, mobile world congress, MWC, solaiemes
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
WIMS 2.0. Solaiemes, partner of this initiative.
WIMS 2.0 is a recent initiative promoted by Telefonica trying to converge WEB 2.0 concepts with the new carrier enablers coming with IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). Solaiemes joined the initial partner list of this initiative from the begining. This Telefonica initiative is a very good move to boost mobile services and increase the mobile data users.
Solaiemes vision matches the final goals of WIMS 2.0 Manifesto. We believe walled-garden is not a valid model to take profit (consumer, MNO, service provider) of all the cellular networks can offer, but the bit pice aproach is ok for personal computing but it lack of the needed usability when we are talking about mobile devices, and succesful services should be addressed to mass market with heterogeneus device types.
We believe in network capabilities and common device features to deliver compelling user experiences, and to reduce adoption curve lengths of new services. In spite of IMS adoption is being carried very slowly, IMS and their associated initial services as PTT, VideoShare, Presence, will be enabling a common interface wide range of services.
If we analyze properly the reasons of SMS unexpected huge success, perhaps the main reasons are:
- common interface, you can do a lot of things (message a friend, tele-vote, sending message to be inserted in TV program, buying ringtones, ok to banking operations...)
- supported in all devices, then all services have initially all population as possible target user.
- device suppliers had realized of SMS importance and simplified the user interface, (Shorcuts to compose, iTap, etc).
We are happy to cooperate inside WIMS 2.0 with other partners as Alcatel-Lucent, Unkasoft, UPM and Kimia helping to make feasible new concepts of Mobility.
Publicado por
12:46 PM
Etiquetas: alcatel-lucent, kimia, solaiemes, telefonica, Unkasoft, upm, wims 2.0
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Solaiemes channel in YouTube !
We decided to use YouTube to upload all our videodemos, to make easier to find us and know about what we do. Our Channel with videos upload and a brief text description of each demo available at
solaiemes team
Publicado por
11:54 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mobile Search voice triggered is possible with no application, check it !
Recently Google unveiled its iPhone app to perform mobile search voice triggered (multimodal interaction). It was impressive and they posted a video in the google blog.
But, why not following the internet trend, to avoid installing applications???
Why limiting rich user experience only to high-tier mobile devices owners ???
We do without installing application and only 3G device is needed. That's it, check out our demo applied to mobile google search engine:
With the Solaiemes multimodality approach, based in our platform AVISG, we can interact with mobile engines as google, yahoo, etc combining synchronized voice call and automatic triggered browsing session with no need of downloading mobile application. The only requirement: a 3G mobile phone (even with no smartphone capabilities). Nokia, Motorola, SonyEricssson, Samsung and others users can have the same experiencies if the device is a 3G enabled with simultaneous voice and data conection.
solaiemes team
Publicado por
12:27 AM
Etiquetas: google, mobile search, multimodal, multimodality, solaiemes
Sunday, November 30, 2008
New ppt Company Profile, have a look !!!
We just created a company profile presentation, trying to explain our vision about mobile services, bottlenecks of current (walled-garden) and the alternative (the bit pipe), and explain our approach to boost mobile services and solutions and how we positionate our portfolio to increase the possible data based services and improve usability of existing ones . Feedback more than welcome :-)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Paper accepted at IMSAA 08 Conference in Bangalore
Solaiemes together with its partner, the URJC (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) submited a paper to the Second International Conference on Internet Multimedia Service Architecture & Application to be held in Bangalore (India) next 10th-12th December.
The level of companies and research centers with accepted papers is impressive ( HP, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola, NEC, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Georgia Tech among others) , and we are happy to be there :-). See list here.
Our paper "A declarative authentication and authorization framework for convergent IMS/Web application servers based on aspect oriented code injection" will be explained in Bangalore by Chema Recio, our VP. He will post in the blog about his experience there
Publicado por
2:21 PM
Etiquetas: conference, paper, solaiemes, urjc
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Solaiemes announces workshop at FICOD08
We will be present at FICOD2008 (International Forum of Digital Content). Solaiemes has prepared a Workshop on mobile UGG (User Generated Content) used in Web 2.0 (live and offline content).
We will show how easy could be adding content from mid-tier devices with no additional application, video and/or audio to websites (enterprise and mass market recreational use cases), based on our technologies LiveServe & VoxServe. The appointment is November 25th, 15:30 pm. Find the full list of workshops here. The location of the event:
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
Avenida Capital de España Madrid, s/n.
Campo de las naciones
28042 - Madrid
Monday, November 17, 2008
Solaiemes visited Gartner IT Expo
From 3rd to 7th of November Solaiemes attended the Gartner ITxpo symposium at Cannes, where CIOs and IT people from very diverse industries put in common their experiences and thoughts.
The symposium is a week full of conferences and workshops around key points that helps to better understand the IT industry. Trends for next year are analyzed and more important, how the crisis will affect them.
It is quite a new experience for us, more used to telco events, where participants are from the IT industry and IT is the core business. In any case it is a fresh new view that comes from real IT customers with real necessities.
Most relevant findings this week, directly from analyst and industry leaders:
- The industry must avoid the panic. It’s too late for that anyway.
- The IT budgets in 2009 will be more or less (small % up or down) as 2008.
- Great people – the REAL leaders – will recognize that this is no time to turn-off the creative tap, this will offer new opportunities and revenue streams or increase productivity.
- It is time to identify the items of the portfolio not really profitable and discontinue them.
- Stop less important projects and reasign excedent budget to the top priority ones.
- Ian livingston, BT CEO, said cio's must be enablers and leaders of change in business
For us it is important messages as the creativity should not be stopped during crisis times, the point is focusing in less projects, not freezing whole budgets :-) and CIO's should be empowered in their roles.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Solaiemes view about economic downturn
After reading carefully the opinion of important VC's (Sequoia and Altos Ventures) about economic downturn impacting start-ups vs new opportunities, we prepared a ppt to explain from our perspective, the start-up focused in technology perspective. We think perhaps now it is time for big companies with cut budgets to focus in innovation opportunities, and start-ups are the best choice for that :-)
Publicado por
2:38 PM
Etiquetas: atlos, entrepreneurship, r.i.p good times, sequoia, solaiemes, start-up
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Solaiemes launchs VOXSERVE, the push-to-talk services enabler platform
After months of very intensive work, we are glad to announce our new product line, VOXSERVE. Voxserve (release 1.0) is the platform to easily build up value added services based on push-to-talk technology (working with 2G and 3G devices, from low-mid tier to high tier).
Our platforms enables person-machine push-to-talk interaction delivering compelling experiencies beyond the primitive use cases of PTT (mobile to mobile voice, mobile to groups voice, and PTT dispatcher). Fortunately, the use cases we are enabling are not circuit switch cannibalizing revenues. Some applications but not all :-) include:
- Mobile UserGeneratedContent: media-sharing audio sites, personal audio-diary, audio micro-blogging.
- mobile CRM: one way CRM alerts, easy CRM interactions (question/answer), voice biometrics authentication. (easy integration with IVR and voice biometrics engines).
- Mobile ERP/ECM: audio real time reporting, and task assignment.
- Media: cost effective breaking news distribution method.
The VOXSERVE is OMA compliant, and works with OMA Push to Talk Server and device clients. In case of being interoperated with Nokia Siemens Network which matches OMA and Nokia PTT most of Nokia devices and mass market services become feasible.
We welcome PTT independent service providers using OMA servers, Mobile Carriers and MVNO and high intensive CRM enterprise (Banks, Utilities...), ERP SW companies, and media sites to trial our technology as an alternative CRM channel. Please, take a look to the video with demos, feedback desired.
Publicado por
7:40 PM
1 comentarios
Etiquetas: nokia, nokia siemens networks, PTT, push-to-talk, solaiemes, voxserve
Monday, October 20, 2008
Solaiemes joins KIS 100 Club, EU network of high growth potential Knowledge Intensive Services companies.
Solaiemes has been invited to join KIS 100 Club, part of the Knowledge Intensive Services - Innovation Platform (KIS-IP), a new initiative funded under Europe INNOVA, with the aim to accelerate the take-up of services innovations in Europe and form a community with the most interesting and successful companies in Europe with high growth potential in the KIS area.
The Club, which is accessible by invitation only, provides members with an opportunity to network with their peers and develop new co-operation partnerships with businesses from other sectors and markets. It also offers a good publicity platform and a forum to discuss common regulatory, technological and organisational issues with other companies. More information about the Club can be found in the brochure.
The KIS Innovation Platform, was initiated in February 2008 and has duration of 3 years. It will foster technological and non technological innovation in services whilst taking into account the dynamic interconnections between research, skills, entrepreneurship, finance and clusters and addressing the needs of high growth ventures active in KIS. The platform provides horizontal support services via online tools, informative resources and European KIS contests that aim to identify top European KIS SMEs as well as creating a dynamic community for mutual learning and exchange of practical experience.
The first KIS 100 Club summit will be hosted as part of the Europe INNOVA Conference 2008, at Lyon, France, 22-24 October 2008, we will post in the next days about our experiences there.
Follow our innovation trail in our blog and our twitter.
Publicado por
5:08 PM
Etiquetas: entrepreneurs, Europa Innova, KIS 100, networking
Friday, October 17, 2008
Our experience at the European Venture Contest
Solaiemes attended last Wednesday to Pamplona's semifinal of the European Venture Context, where the 30 semifinalist start-ups presented their projects to a group of experts and VCs competing for the 3 finalist postion for final round in Barcelona. The event was hosted by Caja Navarra , as usual with an excelent organization that enabled a perfect enviroment for networking.
Awarded as Finalist companies where:

They all will have the chance to defend their initiatives in Barcelona. Congratulations and good luck in the final round for all them. Their presentations were impressive.
Solaiemes did no so bad. We where ranked 9th and this possitions gives us the opportunity to present our project in the European Venture Summit that will take place in Dusseldorf on 1&2 December 2008.
Publicado por
3:36 PM
Etiquetas: Entrpreneurship, european venture contest, EVC, start-up
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ready4Growth seminars, very goog initiative !
Hi, Solaiemes was one of the companies attenting the Ready4Growth Seminar organized by Barcelona Activa for mobile/mobility companies. 2 days of very intensive training with a lot of pannels covering:
- Funding (how to do elevator pitch, types of VC and BA, requirements, timing).
- Building a team and how to complete management profiles.
- Planning expansion (product, markets, etc)
- Legal matters when launching a funding round.
- Mobility trends explained by top carriers and mobile companies leaders
- Positioning the company, getting awareness.
The final goal of the seminar is prepare companies to plan the expansion and prepare to start properly the funding rounds. In pareallel is a useful networking opportunity.
Firstly, we would thank Barcelona Activa to invite us and Unkasoft (advergaming), Madrid based companies :-), to attend the seminar (20 companies) , it was a good opportunity to meet Barcelona area entrepreneurs colleagues and perhaps we will find space to synergies and mutual collaboration soon.
All the subjets were covered with excelent pannelist, and the Parc Tecnologic de Barcelona Nord was a very nice place, typical building encouraging to innovate :-)
We encourage public institutions trying to promote entreprenership to continue with this important task, (last spring we attended a funding planning seminar organized by Madri+d) and cooperate to build a robust ecosystem.
Publicado por
11:56 AM
Etiquetas: Barcelona Activa, Entrpreneurship, madri+d, Ready4Growth, solaiemes, Unkasoft
Friday, October 10, 2008
"Solaiemes Innovating !" new Linkedin group
We want to know about you, your opinions about our work and about the industry. You can use the comments in this blogs, and from today on you can join our Linkedin group. We would like to discuss mobility trends, path to improve multimedia solutions, early adoption of new enablers, usability... Nice to listen the feedback from partners, customers, technologists, innovation experts, people who like or dislike the things we do and how we do :-)
Feel free to join, start discussions, comment in open subjects, invite colleagues to join also, etc
Next coming months will be challenging. Hope to see you there (and here)
Publicado por
10:37 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Solaiemes at Mobile Monday Madrid
On September the 29th , we pitched 5 minutes during the Mobile Monday Madrid session Mobile Internet Platforms with Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! in front of a fully crowded audience (aprox 180 people at IE Business School Auditorium) of mobile industry, carriers and mobile start-up representatives, IE MBA candidates, and the panelists.
The pannelist were Enrique Dans, Professor of Information Systems and Techologies at IE Business School, José Antonio Martínez Aguilar (Director of the Telecom and Media Division at Google), Alex Romero (Director for Strategic Partnerships for Portugal, Spain and France at Yahoo Europe) and Iván Lozano (Mobile Manager at Microsoft Spain) . After the introduction by Enrique Dans (the role of Generation Y boosting mobility), the big players in the industry representatives explain their companies "vision/aproach" to "mobile internet". Very interesting points of view.
After that, 3 start-ups previously invited but not announced :-) pitched 5 minutes following the rules: 5 min, business casual and english language :-).
Diego Bartolome presented Tau with You, an incredible real time translation solutions for mobile, powerful to translate from/to oriental languages.
Rafa Casado, explained Tooio , a mobile and web focused community, with lot of potential in the field of LBS based advertisment.
We explained our vision about mobility, and try to convince the audience about the importance of using mobile standard device features, in the same way, internet applications are replacing installed sw from a personal-computing perspective. 2 pics of our pitch with the panelists.
In parallel we encourage carriers to think about how to create amazing use cases with current technologies already available.
It is really difficult to explain too many things during a 5 minutes slot. We did our best when preparing the pitch.
In order to match the 5 minutes we prefered to merge keynote slides and video-demo of our technology use cases in a single video you can find below.
the solaiemes team :-)
Note 1: find the all the pics of event took by Rudy from Mobile Monday at
Note 2: regarding the video, if you read fast the slides text, please fast forward
Publicado por
6:55 PM
Etiquetas: mobile monday, pitch, solaiemes, ta with you, tooio
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Solaiemes at NGMAST08
I'm comming from the Second International Conference on Next Generations Mobile Applications Services and Tecnologies (NGMAST 2008), which has taken place on the beautiful city of Cardiff, Wales (U.K.) between 16th and 19th September. Solaiemes has been one of the companies selected to participate at the conference with a paper contribution and a presentation of our novel P2MP services based on our Liveserve technology.
Besides having a very nice time at Cardiff enjoying the organizers hospitality, Solaiemes engineers had the oportunity of exchanging ideas with many of the most important companies working in next generation mobile services including vendors like Nokia or Ericsson and operators like Telefónica and Orange.

This kind of participation and interaction contributes to guarateeing that Solaiemes maintains the highest standards in research and development of novel mobile services and contributes to consolidate Solaiemes as a relevant actor in the area.
Publicado por
Lunix Lonigan
12:05 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
mobility enabling media-CRM, media-ERP
Today, with good 3G coverage, acceptable average bandwidths, and media-enabled mid tiers devices the time of ambition generating valuable use cases for mobility arrives.
Till now mobile ERP is understood as PDA's sending data (task reporting, sales orders, etc) and mobile CRM is understood as the WAP channel for m-banking or the "maximum" the videoportal.
It is not enough.
Regarding CRM, multimodality delivers usability to make m-channels as popular as e-channels (i.e: banking), combinational services as videoshare could provide better quality videoportals ans saving the uplink video perhaps the sender does not want to send. A new way of carrying voice as half duplex VoIP, the push to talk could be very cost effective to deploy CRM quick interactions. We work on that.
Regarding ERP, huge ERP providers, bit IT companies, as IBM, Accenture, CapGemini, Everis, Atos and ERP SW leaders as SAP may see the opportunity of including media, as the most realistic way of reporting and proccess documentation. VideoShare, PTT, combined with LBS, will help companies to decrease the cost of full reporting of activities, further data analyzing of how the tasks are doing, and how they can be improved. In the field is difficult to stop and type, but it is easy talk, and the ASR doing the job of translating to text.
Now, the proper enablers for CRM and ERP revolution are here, the challenge is ENVISIONING the opportunities of win-win-win (carriers-service_providers/Companies/final_users).
Publicado por
10:40 AM
Etiquetas: Innovation, media-CRM, media-ERP, mobility
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The new Multimodality approach, the Solaiemes multimodal solution
Hi, just continuing our previous post, now, it's time to unveil our solutions for multimodal interaction, the Solaiemes Multimodality :-)
Firstly, we do not believe too much in ODA (on device application), we run away from thin or fat clients, our solutions is not using any client at all at handset (i.e: sonyericsson devices do not need it) or a very small J2ME midlet, the same for all devices, with the only function of triggering the browser starting.
Our solution combines our usability platform AVISG with a commercial IVR (we are compatible with most of IVR providers, using standard protocols or a specific communication bus API we provide). With this approach, companies using a phone CRM can migrate to multimedia CRM in mobility, reusing their voice infrastructure.
As exemple, see this video of a m-Banking using multimodality:
For this demo we integrate our AVISG platform with VOXEO IVR, without needing any support from IVR side. It shows how easy, scalable, and plug and play could be delivered a trial.
AVISG provides perfect synchronism between voice and/or keypad orders and the XHTML rendered, several XHTML could be defined to take maximum profit of each browser capabilities, as one of key feature of AVISG is the multidevice optimal info rendering.
Whatever 3G handset (simoultaneous voice and data capable) or GPRS / EDGE class A capable are compatible with our approach. It is not needed a powerful smartphone with open OS. We tested with several handset manufacturers, focusing in mid tier series.
Publicado por
11:42 PM
Etiquetas: avisg, multimodal, multimodality, solaiemes, voxeo
Sunday, August 24, 2008
NTT: one of the biggest IMS & PoC deployment so far
Over the last years NTT has deployed more than 30 million of PoC handsets in its advanced 3G FOMA network. The service was launched as "PushTalk" in late 2005. Now, 30 million handsets is a small fraction of the market but a significant number compared to the tiny deployments made so far.
Service relies on NEC IMS core, technical details are not clear, but we can safely bet this is the biggest mobile IMS deployment so far. PoC or PTT are terms not mentioned by NTT, perhaps they are using a proprietary, IMS-based, protocol.
The basic service includes group calls up to 5 participants, for larger groups an additional service must be contracted (PushTalk Plus), aimed at enterprises. Service is billed per push (0,03€ per push) and there is a flat rate (Kake-Hodai) service for 6,45€ per month.
PushTalk Plus service, including group calls up to 20 members, is 12,9€ per month.
And a very interesting detail: Service is activated by default in every handset for every subscriber. I don't know the reason for that, but one very important consequence: you needn't to know in advance if the person you want to call has the service or not: everybody "is in the service". And the person receiving the call will probably answer back. This scheme encourages service spreading from a small number of knowledgeable users to the rest. From my point of view, this is much better than waiting for the subscribers to ask for activation, or trying to communicate with other subscribers only to find that they are not subscribed.
Japan is a very innovative market, we are looking forward to reading some data about service usage, would that be a test of things to come?
Publicado por
10:03 AM
Friday, August 8, 2008
web2.0 interacting with Solaiemes team is easy !

We think mutual feedback is important to improve, and the web 2.0 tools make really easy and quick to provide feedback, ask questions to get a very quick answer, etc.
Currently we have the next averages:
1-2 monthly updates of the website (PR or new product/demo)

2-3 blog monthly posts
1-2 daily twits
We want to double our communication averages with answers, required posts, open questions to other technologyst or "connected people". Please, help us :-) recommended step, follow us at twitter, we will announcing there new post, PR, new products and day by day activities.
We also welcome initiatives as
a initiative to register a Twitter Brand Index for spanish companies, by Marc Cortés, the promoter. Thanks Marc for adding us :-)
Publicado por
12:19 PM
Etiquetas: Blogging, communication, solaiemes, twitter
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Innovation Directors, a needed real role for telcos and big companies
Hi, after some posts talking about Solaiemes news or technology we post today about innovation deployment. As entrepreneurs creating new technologies able to deliver innovative use cases for telcos, banks, media companies we are discouraging from the unclear entry-door to explain our products/services.
Carriers and huge companies operating mature markets, fully competitive, have little space for ARPU increases other than new services people consider good to pay for them.
A lot of good ideas come generally from little start-ups, and all the big companies make some marketing movements about how they promote the ecosystem, but sadly, often, basically this actions are only for press relase purposes and not pursue a real collaboration and deployment of innovation.
Most of innovation managers in big companies are not managing budget, and their task is basically prospection but with no capability (even their efforts to scalate opportunities). At the other hand, some innovation directors with direct budget responsability are executives promoted to that position because it was the "director" position vacancy and not because they are interested in innovation. The last one, with more conservative aproach likely will spend de budget buying reports to market research analyst and paying a lot of money to a big consultancy company to make some kind of innovation that it is not their real focus.
In a lot of international events as GSMA mobile congresses (MWC, Asia Mobile) panelists from carriers talk a lot about promoting ecosystem but they have no time to visit start-up booths. Please, the success of your companies depends of innovation difficult to be created internally or coming from big suppliers, looking what we are doing is helping yourselves to improve your business.
Hope head-hunter leader firms will be helping to recruit former entrepreneurs, understanding from the other side, how innovation could be placed in a fast track inside large company in a win-win scheme helping ecosystem to grow faster.
Fortunately, we detect some exceptions is some media company or banks with innovating style people managing the innovation functions but carriers should improve :-)
Publicado por
11:07 PM
Etiquetas: entrepreneurs, Innovation, management, solaiemes
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Push to Talk. Good news, Instantcom offering PTT offered as ASP
We welcome the initiative of Instantcom launching a push to talk service as SaaS. Carriers did not push forward very powerful services as PTT due to concerns about circuit switch voice cannibalization and a lot of possible services man-machine oir man-to-serveral could not become feasible.
The service is offered with monthly fee plus the amount of data accoring to the data price of mobile/dsl carriers. Even paying twice (service provider and data traffic provider) it turns positive as roaming is enabled, and you can use the service with other carrier customers.
As Solaiemes is launching their new product line based on PoC added value solutions the concern about carrier service availability disappeared :-)
Hope big companies, banks, media companies, will replace carriers pushing services if carriers are not interested.
Publicado por
5:15 PM
Etiquetas: instantcom, PTT, push-to-talk, solaiemes
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
New! Solaiemes Communication SaaS
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The platforms provideds html embbeds to include in the customer public sites or private web bases productivity solutions (as ERP, CRM) in a very simple way, each embed could be linked with media associated from 1 to n different handsets or resources. Several applications becoming feasible:
- Web TV
- online media live feeds from outdoors
- VideoBlogging / Video personal live broadcasting
- Video Surveillance
- VideoReporting ERP (gardening, maintenance, building tasks documentation)
- Interactive Voice and Video Response (IVVR)
- 3G handsets with videoshare feature ( Nokia N Series, 6120, 6110, and others)
- 3G videocall capable (upon request, needs a videogateway platform and ISDN conections)
- Webcams
- fix IP cameras
- and specific clients developed on demand in case of targetting other devices with no videoshare feature (windows mobile, iPhone, etc).
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Additional brochure (spanish versión) -> brochure
And finally the video showing how easy could be integrating the platform with final use cases.
Solaiemes Team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
10:07 AM
1 comentarios
Etiquetas: LiveServe, nokia, SaaS, solaiemes, videoshare
Friday, July 11, 2008
Yes! Solaiemes team has a sleepless iPhone fan :-)
Alex, one of the Solaiemers, even as a company we tried to work for empower mid-tier devices is apple-fanatic, it proves how Solaiemes mobility army is accepting all views :-)
He was in the cue during now to adquire his 3G iPhone in the recently open TELEFONICA Store in the historical Telefonica headquarter in Madrid (just plane city centre, Gran Via street, where usually cinema premiers take place, the street of red carpets).
See the sequence of 4 videos (selected from the more than 10 he shooted) from the "long waiting" until getting the ONE, this services where streamed "live" in our blog using our technology, the quality is not as better as it use to see due the lots of 3G
subscribers in such a small place and also the mobile-camera (nokia 6120) being
handled by the quivering hand of our "excited by iPhone" colleague :-)
Publicado por
4:44 PM
Etiquetas: fan, iPhone, solaiemes, streaming, videoshare
Friday, July 4, 2008
Let's talk about handsets
Disclaimer: this is a personal view, in Solaiemes we have team members worshipping the IPhone, and perhaps they are no sharing my point of view :-)
Now, let's talk about handsets as mobility tools. Everybody is waiting impatient the 3G iPhone, of course, it is a very nice handset, with lot of capabilities, Apple design, and proper marketing, obviously Solaiemes will try to squeeze its capabilities to deliver more mobility use cases experiencies.
Once said that, now, I want to help people realizing that a lot of powerful use cases are not needing iPhone, and perhaps other devices have advantadges. iPhone has a powerful browser and a lot of mobile solutions could be done base on rich web using AJAX, it is a fact, but for multimedia mobile use cases, related with infrastructure, all is still to be done.
Nokia is including by default as "out the box" features Push to Talk, VideoShare (see what i see), etc...
Other device manufacturers as Motorola, Samsung, SonyEricsson, have the same features developed but are no enabled in the SW right now in most of countries, we encourage them to enable the features and help the ecosystem to make this features a powerful ARPU generator for carriers, and a powerful "satisfaction" generator for their customers. With PTT and VideoShare you have real mobile experiences and new capabilities about being conected, alerted, sharing live media, multimodal usability. All these capabilities enable competition vs iPhone strengths: mobile browser, ipod-mobile, high tier conected PDA.
Solaiemes focuses on empowering the mid-tier devices, the largest market size in western countries to enable from network application specific infrastructure the same or even more multimedia and usability performance of high tier devices, and will help people with mid tier devices not envying iPhone users :-)
Publicado por
11:12 PM
Etiquetas: iPhone, PoC, push-to-talk, solaiemes, videoshare, videosharing
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Solaiemes also twitters !
Hi, we created this blog to share opinion about mobile infrastructure and service trends and entrepreneurship. We prefer the blog to share our views better than the formal company site.
Some time ago, the blog become the place to advance some news before formal PR was released, and show demo videos.
Now, we are delighted to add Twitter as a new communication channel to follow up our day by day, activities, the one we can disclose :-)
We do not promise to become heavy users :-(, unfortunately no time to report everything we would report, in any case we encorage people and companies interested in our business focus or directly interested in us to follow our twitter.
Our intention is even using twitter as a way to receive feedback, quick questions, and even to communicate with other entrepreneurs and mobile ecosystem. We invite to follow us !!!
Publicado por
1:02 AM
Etiquetas: communication, twitter
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Will finally carriers detect the PoC opportunities?
After several posts talking about us, new products, mentions, come back to evangelist task :-)
Carriers are worried about still 80% voice and 20% data mobile revenue not being balanced (and even the difference is wider if taking in count SMS is carried to CS - voice domain).
At the same time most markets are mature in terms of subscribers reaching 90-120% market penetration (more than 1 linea per citizen) and the ARPU is being stable around 28-40 € in most western countries.
Some promising technologies as PoC (push over cellular, mainly push-to-talk) have been delayed, shyly launches, or discarded due to voice and sms canibalization fears. Carriers are having a too mucha conservative approach, they are more focused about risk avoidance than boosting new ARPU increasing opportunities.
Please, start seeing PoC as SMS. SMS is not seeing only as mobile to mobile use case, and a lot of mobile to machine (sms to tv-screen, ring-tones download payment, voting, etc) and machine to mobile (alerts, m-banking alerts, marketing, headline news distribution, etc).
Why not using PoC with the same approach with push-to-talk? A lot of mobile to server and server to mobile can be used for raising marketing budgets of companies, increasing the non-final subscribers revenues, and enablig new on subscription based services. Being even more ambitious push-to-talk could be the first step for affordable man-machine interaction to browse news, services, etc, defeating the usability barrier of mid-tier devices (small display, limited keypad).
Hope we can find soon carriers realizing of PoC potential and proactively launching PoC to mass market.
Publicado por
10:58 AM
Etiquetas: IMS, push-to-talk, usability
Friday, June 6, 2008
Solaiemes, Finalist at "Emprendedor XXI 2008" in Madrid
Hi! Happy to say that our effort has been recognized in our headquarter location, Madrid. Solaiemes was declared finalist at "Emprendedor XXI 2008" (entrepreneurship award) in the Madrid state edition. "Premio Emprendedor XXI" (translating "XXI Entrepreneur Award") is sponsored by savings bank La Caixa and Spanish Ministery of Industry.
(jury act, in spanish)
This kind of mentions encourage us to to more things, do things better, and grow and expand our brand and solutions.
Congratulations to the winner, a biotech company ( Projech Science to Technology ) and the other finalist with us, VaniOs (IT Security based on Biometrics). VaniOs is one of the companies invested by EURECAN VC (Caja Navarra), our common investor.
solaiemes team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
8:55 PM
Etiquetas: award, eurecan, solaiemes, technology
Friday, May 30, 2008
Solaiemes LiveServe new feature. VideoPosting in OVI SHARE
After including in our "mobile to whatever" videoshare LiveServe Suite platform features as automatic posting in YouTube and Blogger accounts, we announce that now we can videopost in the OVI media share social network (owned by Nokia) using VideoShare in 3G Networks.
With handsets supporting videoshare (also known as See What I See) configured to reach our platform, user could real time post, after stop your shooting, with no handset application needed.
Of course it is a test done from Spain, and not a commercial service yet :-(
Handsets we can send sip settings to configure and supporting the videosharing are mainly Nokia N73, 6120, 6110, N93 and others with specs indicating videoshare support.
Publicado por
12:50 PM
Etiquetas: nokia, OVI, solaiemes, videoshare, videosharing
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Solaiemes showcased at IPTV Evangelist Magazine
Gilbert B. Hammer, IPTVe editor and Producer/DP showcased our technology at their well known IPTV site. We performed a remote demo about mobile to web realtime broadcasting, and storage ->website autoposting. Gilbert is based in New York, and shooted the real time demo to produce a 4 minutes videoreport including videos of our other use cases as peer to multipeer mobile videoshare. Many Thanks Gilbert
also available at Brightcove.TV
About IPTV Evangelist
IPTV Evangelist is the ultimate guide to the people and the companies that are defining the red-hot IPTV market. Founded by streaming video pioneer Gilbert B. Hammer, IPTV Evangelist combines the latest IPTV news and analysis with interviews with key IPTV players. As the title of the site implies, Gilbert is passionate about IPTV, which he views as the next-generation for online and mobile entertainment for its creative integration of new and improved forms of communication, storytelling and community. For more information, visit
Publicado por
10:14 PM
Etiquetas: Blogging, magazine, videoshare, videosharing
Monday, April 7, 2008
Good news for VideoShare !!! Nokia's move.
Recently Nokia has been adding the VideoShare feature (SeeWhatISee) to mid-tier handsets as 6110, 6120 and 6130, with configuration menu.
We are excited:
- Till now, the entry level of using N Series was a barrier for several customers asking for small and cheaper devices. FIXED.
- Till now not available handsets with WCDMA bands used in Europe/Asia (mostly 2100) and US and SouthAmeria (1900/850). That is letting us (Solaiemes) to demonstrate in a lot of countries the capabilities of our mobile infrastructure.
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
3:02 PM
Etiquetas: handset, nokia, swis, videoshare, videosharing
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Solaiemes, RedHerring 100 Europe 2008 Finalist !!!
Solaiemes has been selected by RedHerring as Finalist of the RedHerring 100 Europe 2008 Awards. We thank this kind of mentions just when our starp-up is 18 months old, a baby just walking but not able to speak very clear yet :-).
We are growing, our solutions infrastructure is ready, we have projects deploying our technologies, and first adopters customers interested, and this kind of initiatives help to highlight brand awareness. In few months our hard work has been compensated with VC investment, several important projects for us, the GSMA shorlisting us as Top Mobile Innovators at Mobile Asia Congress, being awarded by Bancaja at their Entrepreneurship Awards and finally being finalist at RedHerring 100.
Hope this kind of mentions will stimulate "first adopters" of new technologies in the same way they stimulate VC to invest :-)
Congratulations to all the other finalist start-up, specially the spanish ones, je je, and of course, all the very young start-ups at seed/A funding round :-), the hardest but also the most challenging times.
thanks again
the solaiemes team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
6:59 PM
Etiquetas: award, redherring, VC
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Chema interviewed by ServicesMobiles Site
Chema was interviewed by the french specialized mobile technology site
The journalist uploaded the interview to YouTube.
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
11:50 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Yes ! We did, using 3G VideoShare to real time content upload to YouTube
After showcasing use cases of our LiveServe Suite Infrastructure as real time broadcasting video from 3G VideoShare capable handset. (We use currently the native client included Nokia N73 and other N Series and several E Series ) as:
- real time videobroadcasting inserted as widget in whatever WEB 2.0 site as
- real time videoposting in a dedicated blogger site
We unveil how uploading real time content from wherever you are, at any time to YouTube. The stream could be so long as your handset battery life decides :-)
Our first YouTube realtime video-upload using 3G VideoShare with our platform:
original size is QCIF (176x144) and the UMTS uplink was 64 kbps, the quality then is limited, hope soon the uplink rate will reach 128 kbps and the handset clients will do also.
for YouTube fanatics a nice enhancement, it could be operated by independent hosting or even better using carrier branded commercial videoshare services !!!
solaiemes team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
10:26 PM
Etiquetas: blogspot, nokia, videoshare, WEB 2.0, YouTube
Monday, February 11, 2008
Yes ! We are in the Mobile World Congress and videoposting :-)
We are exhibiting at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona (Feb 11-14th). We will be unveiling our platforms for real time sharing media across mobile and WEB 2.0 / Corporate Applications.
We will be broadcasting several times a day using this blog, from mobile-camera, and all the recordings will be real time available at:
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
8:14 AM
Etiquetas: solaiemes, videoblog, videoshare
Monday, January 28, 2008
Peer to Multipeer VideoShare Application Server Released !!!
As promised we will be posting unveiling our new products "road to Barcelona Mobile Congress" using the blog. Today the Peer to Multipeer VideoShare Application Server.
What's that? it is the infrastructe enabling a mobile to several mobiles VideoShare combinational call. The calling party voice-call the application server, type the called group code, and share the video, then the application server set up the multiparty with the called party subscribers and as soon as they are accepting the video-invite is sent.
Just notice that we are using videoshare native feature (the Nokia N Series one), not installing specific client. Hanset manufacters looking for application for their videoshare features, please, contact us :-)
Here the video-demo:
This product has inmediate application in the emergencies and law & reinforcement fields and also to build up mobile communities.
hope you like !
solaiemes team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
4:16 PM
1 comentarios
Thursday, January 24, 2008
LiveServe 2.0...when Mobile and WEB 2.0 walk together :-)
Here you can find a video with a couple of use cases, integration as Widget of 3G VideoShare "See What I See" in blogger public site, and the video-real-time-autoposting, a way to create personal videoblogs from whatever you are in your important moments. Concepts as video-twiter become feasible, and a lot of enterprise productivity solutions could be based in real time videoreporting.
We did not install anything in the device, we are using native features as VideoShare and can use videocall (but videocall has worse performace), these are network infrastructure based solutions.
be there, from now on to the Mobile Congress week we will unveil new products
best regards.
Publicado por
10:49 PM
Etiquetas: Blogging, IMS, LiveServe, solaiemes, videoshare, WEB2.0
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Solaiemes recognized at Bancaja Entrepreneurship Awards!
We are glad to share with our people, readers, customers, investors ... this good new, Solaiemes was one of the technology based new companies awarded by Bancaja.
Bancaja is a spanish savings bank. The Bancaja Social Foundation sponsors a programme to foster entrepreneurship, one of the key points of the programme is the Annual Awards to recognized the entrepreneurship among the young people. With several awards categories (technology, social enterprise, and "ideas to start a company") they receive more than 400 memos.
Solaiemes was one of 10 technology based company awarded in the 13th Edition.
solaiemes team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
12:26 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Solaiemes Blog & Creative Commons
We want to stimulate the debate around mobility, new use cases, new IMS infrastructure based solutions, and mobile entrepreneurship.
We would like our readers posting comments to enrich the blog (ours and also yours) and we offer our contents under Creative Commons free licensing for other web resources or media.
The chosen CC License:
hope to help each other stimulating the mobility ecosystem
solaiemes team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
3:48 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
1st VC Round completed !!!
With limited resources we reached some milestones and at the same time tried to get VC at the starting level we needed.
Last October we signed de entrepreneur soft-loan (NEOTEC) from CDTI (Spanish Ministery of Industry).
Now after Due-Dilligenge and negotiation proccess we reached an agreement with EURECAN, the VC fund of Caja Navarra (, EureCan invests in our Company.
Welcome on board.
See our PR:
Solaiemes Team
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
12:50 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Mobile Year 2008
Solaiemes team look forward 2008 will be a fantastic year for Mobile and Internet industry, and wish the best for all our readers, customers, partners, and nice people around the globe :-)
a short video about us :-) we promise to talk to camera next time ;-)
just defeating shyness
Publicado por
solaiemes project :-)
6:18 PM