Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy new year 2012. Solaiemes wishes.

This year ending today, 2011 we reached some important milestone, we won the RCS DevChallenge 2011, we got new customers in new markets. Also, finally RCS-e is happening and soon will be a common services launched by most of telcos. In this area, we are pioneering how messaging may be something else than person to person chat and the market.
We have still points to improve, and the key is the corporate development, some current & potential customers like what we do but they need to acquire technology to big stablished telecom suppliers. It's time then to work hard in corporate development to grow, funding, strategic partnerships, etc...and the coming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona will be a good opportunity to meet with customers, potential customers, potential partners, VC's and other vendors.
We look forward that 2012 will be a good year for the telecom industry, with carriers lauching new services and suppliers working close with telcos and these new services improving the people welfare.
Happy New Year 2012.
the Solaiemes team

Friday, December 16, 2011

Solaiemes attended Iberian Telecom Summit

Solaiemes attended and presented its RCS-e portfolio in the Iberian Telecom Summit event in Santiago de Compostela on December 14th.
For us it was a good opportunity to meet new  fix and cable operators which are now acquiring LTE spectrum and looking for applications and solutions to empower their offering. Also VoIP carriers were interested in having their own OTT solutions to offer to their customers.
We shared the stage with impressive companies as Acme Packet, Broadsoft, IPtego and the organizer (and our partner in some projects) Quobis :-) It is incredible how many companies are working hard to deliver outstanding solutions to the carriers to help them in the transition from legacy communications scenario to the new IP world with different types of competitors.
It is important that vendors and carriers will meet in this kind of events to share views and find spaces of cooperation. We are here to help them improve their business and customer loyalty.
Looking forward the next year one !!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Solaiemes "RCS-e is a platform" video.

We have explain in several posts our views about the telco messaging possibilities and how we envision RCS-e as a platform, a common experience to create person-to-solution, and ubiquitous person-to-person use cases on top. We have compiled several of the things of our RCS-e API technology is making feasible. Feedback welcome.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Solaiemes explained its RCS-e as a Platform vision in Telco 2.0 event.

Solaiemes participated in the New Digital Economy event, organized by STL partners (the original coiners of the term "Telco 2.0"), on Nov 9th. This is a "must attend" for strategists and anybody interested on, as the event name says, "Strategic Threats and Opportunities" for telco service providers.

The agenda covered many different topics and approaches, and RCS was the focus of several sections, with a very nice presentation on what RCS is, how it can complement and live along OTT offers, including a real live demo, by Dr. Rainer Deutschmann, Deutsche Telekom, and Cenk Serdar, Vodafone, and followed by a lively debate.

We were invited to present our view on how RCS-e is as much a platform as an end-user service, and showed some of the possibilities and sample use cases that could be enabled by allowing third parties to use enablers, very well received by an audience that have not been exposed to this approach before in the most part, and with encouraging tweets from the floor.

A very enlightening event, with many different point of views, and a format that encourages and makes very easy participation and exchange of ideas. "Chance Favors the Connected Mind" (Steven Johnson), don't miss the opportunity to attend the next one.

Jose Recio

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our view from past Rich Communication 2011 event in Munich.

Last week we attended the Rich Communication 2011 event in Munich, we participated in a panel defending our view about consider and deploying RCS-e as a platform to enable use cases and not a mere only person to person messaging. We explained our view in the panel, and previously in our demo slot we showed how we are this feasible with APIs and Thin Clients. Also we presented first time the demo of our new product RCS-e Personal Manager.

The G5 representatives from Vodafone, Telefonica, Deustche Telekom, Orange and TIM explained the project and the timeline, with all of them to offer the service by the H1 2012. It seems most of device manufacturers are committed to include RCS-e natively, and GSMA will launch a RCS-e App Client to cover other mainstream platforms (IOs & Android).
There was a lot of discussions about if RCS-e is the SMS replacement or something else (our view), how to monetize, and how to get traction in a very competitive segment with several OTTs (over the top) with interesting solutions.
In our opinion, both, companies creating communication services using the data connectivity (commonly referred as OTT) and telcos may be not considered full antagonists or deadly rivals. We believe in cooperation models and innovation to delight the users. A good communication shared model will allow internet companies with focus on e(m)-commerce, location, etc perhaps try to reach the users using universal communication services rather than creating a new "messenger" only for their use case. The task for telcos is how to design their wholesale offering of API's and perhaps some mediation of API usage to create a powerful model to boost mobility and user/customer engagement.
Finally, from the demos, we may say that there are RCSe available clients from different vendors, device client SDKs, and available server side REST APIs (ours) :-)
The networking was very good with senior representatives from telcos, leading vendors and analysts with different points of view, all of them enriching the discussion.

The technology is here, and time is gold to launch and let the ecosystem work.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Solaiemes new product: RCS-e Personal Manager.

We are glad to present the first demo of our new product, the RCS-e Personal Manager, the platform combining the principles of Intelligent Network applied to messaging and the user capability of customizing their own messaging strategy.

RCS-e Personal Manager allows to set filters and auto responses bases on the sender and/or time intervals, and create scheduled events to be sent using RCS-e on your behalf even if you are offline.
The user has a library to edit the media (text, pics, audios) to be used to create auto responses and scheduled events.
Soon more features as specific mobile configuration tool webApp and videoshare based events.

Feedback welcomed
Solaiemes team.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Solaiemes in the coming Rich Communication 2011 event.

We will be in Munich next week, 24-26th october to attend the Rich Communication 2011 event, organized by Informa Telecom & Media.

We will demo our RCS-e technology to create services on top of messaging, and will participate as panelist in the panel:
"Is RCS a standalone offering, or, can it be seen as an Enabler for other Applications?"

Our technology is just focused in enabling VAS use cases on top of messaging user experience, and will try to explain how the use of RCS-e as something else than person to person messaging is the way of telcos to lead innovation by exposing telco RCS-e API from the launch of the RCS-e service.

See you there ;-)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

RCS-e API Exposure, our IMS Global Congress Keynote.

Last week we participated in the IMS Global Congress 2011. It was a very interesting event with very good presentations from vendors, carriers and analysts. Finally IMS is taking off and RCS-e is a key driver for IMS usage. Find below our presentation, in the last slides you will find de youtube links to our demos.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How Steve Jobs also helped the telcos and us.

Last night Steve Jobs passed away. A lot of things about him are being written at the same time we are writting these lines, let us try to thank him from a different angle.
We are not an "Apps" company and we just try to create the antagonic approach to create solutions, based on carriers enablers.

Carriers are facing a difficult challenge due to Steve impressive work, the risk of becoming pipes, they are also increasing the revenues from mobile data, as today to include a data plan is a must have for every telco customer to enjoy the devices Jobs pioneered.
These days, telco related services and technology, delayed and delayed during years, as RCS-e, have been accelerated due to the competition between the telco & OTT world that this generation of powerful devices created. It means that we have right now a chance to fix the problem that Steve created to the carriers. Sometimes creating challenges to the counterparts is the best way to help them to improve. Innovation and passion may be present at 2 sides.

Finally, but not less important, Steve Jobs is the example of how passion is what really matters to make feasible the difficult things, to make real the technology challenges, that management should be involved in technology, a valuable guidance for everybody in the industry.

Goodbye & Thanks Steve.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Solaiemes to speak at IMS Global Congress

We have been invited to speak at IMS Global Congress 2011 to be held in Madrid the coming 3-5, October.
Juan Mateu, Solaiemes co-founder will speak about the opportunities of RCS-e properly openned to the ecosystem with APIs as good opportunity for telcos to get new revenue stream and partner with the ecosystem.
We would thank IIR-Telecom this opportunity to explain our vision to a selected audience with carrier & telecom suppliers professional and analysts.

Oct, 5th. 15:30.  API exposure: a valuable asset to create application innovation and revenue generation?
* A secure and consistent exposure layer to maintain secure control over network assets
* How can API provide application developers with access to network functionalities, such as billing, location or connection optimization, to enrich new applications?
* Customised mashup APIs to optimize network access, improve privacy and differentiate your offer

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

RCS-e and OTT to create combined use cases. Demo: Couponing.

Here you have a new demo to point how telco messaging enablers as RCS-e can be used with API's (RCS-e Solution GW) combined with OTT APIs to create more powerful use case for mutual benefit. Yes, we firmly believe that telcos and OTT strengths could be mashed-up to build something better :-)

In this demo we used FourSquare App and the Twitter API to make arrive a chek-in to a couponing real time database, the coupon is sent using RCS-e, it means a common enabler.

solaiemes team.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Looking for partners to deploy RCS-e Value Added Services worldwide!

We are looking for partners to distribute and deploy our RCS-e technology globally, we are eager to work together to IMS (CSCF) supplier and telco integrators making RCS-e happen.
Solaiemes is one of the most active companies in the RCS-e (Rich Communication Suite) space. We developed a layer of infrastructure ( to provide Added Value Services based on the RCS-e user experience (combination of chat, file tranfer and live video from your phonebook) and also to deliver RCS-e to all screens, not only mobiles.
We are interoperated with the leading IMS providers, and want to help MNO's and MVNO's to offer their alternative in the messaging area, once OTT messaging apps proved that users like enhanced IM.

Are you a telco supplier or IT company looking to increase your offering to your telco customers? do not hesitate, contact us :-)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Telco Dilemma, Apps "toll" or new services to compete with smartphone apps?

Major telcos published by the end of July their results for H1 2011, showing benefits and worries about the future and how mature services as SMS are declining. Smartphones providing thousands of applications are moving the innovation outside the operator, sometimes to really small companies, using their services only as a data pipe (mobile broadband or Wi-Fi). And strong competition on mature markets forces to reduce the prices.

KPN presented on the Investor Day data that is important to take into consideration:  penetration of Whatsapp on Smartphone users is 85% (in April 2011). To reduce the impact of the loss of revenue they have announced an increase of the prices of Mobile Broadband on September 5th, as the regulator is defending the net neutrality. Maybe it is not such good idea just to try to get more money for the same services (connectivity) instead of offering their own OTT services to compete against popular applications as Whatsapp or Skype.

Incumbent operators have lots of customers, the whole population in fact, with different income levels that would continue becoming loyal customers of their telco if they feel that value for money of the services provided is great, no matter the device they are using.

RCS-e is the opportunity for MNO or MVNO to offer a wide range of new services "OTT" competing with other pure OTT alternatives, with the strengths that telcos are still keeping (user real identities, 100% penetration, interoperability).

Coming LTE will increase the mobile broadband capacity, no sense to complain about investing in LTE and others (OTT) taking the bigger slice of the revenue cake.
Carriers must invest simoultaneusly in access technology (HSPA & LTE) and in VAS technologies in order to keep the broadband business and increase their share of the over the top revenue cake. In terms of investment, RCS-e technology (RCS-e Core and RCS-e VAS platforms) is an affordable investment compared to the deployment of LTE & HSPA networks.
It's time for action !

David Culebras

Credit: image by Wiangya

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Please, vote on what you think is the key for RCS-e success?

Hi, we created a poll to know what is perceived as the key for RCS-e success, you can vote and of course add more options and explain your opinion as a comment.
thanks in advance
solaiemes team

Monday, August 1, 2011

GSMA launches the Rich Communication Virtual Exhibition

The GSMA has just launched the Rich Communication Visual Exhibition. It is a virtual exhibition where vendors involved in the RCS / RCS-e technology can have a permanent virtual booth showcasing their portfolios.
Solaiemes is one of the vendors initially exhibiting (the others are Alcatel-Lucent, NSN, Tekelec, Huawei, Wit, Mavenir and Neusoft).
In our stand you can see our ppt evangelizing RCS-e and explaining briefly the 5 platforms to make open, ubiquitous and smartly monetizable  Rich Communication Suite, and several videos of how our technology works and the use cases that could be implemented on top of RCS-e using our approach and portfolio.
We congratulate GSMA, this idea was great and will let carriers to know the full potential of RCS-e, to know exactly what vendor is offering and also will make easier for vendors to find complementarities and search for partnerships/alliances.

See you there, visit our virtual booth :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is RCS-e too late & too little? Our views.

Just read an interesting article from Strategy Analysis we would like to explain our views about the hype of mobile messaging and the competition between OTT & Telco approaches.

New OTT messaging market is getting hot, Whatsapp, Thrutu, Google Huddle, Apple iMessage and others are great and will help RCS-e to succeed once launched. Till now, big telcos acting did not want to cannibalize SMS setting up their own messaging alternatives with probably less revenue. But today, most of them are realizing that auto-cannibalization is better than being devoured by others.
Current OTT messaging alternatives on mobile, such as Whatsapp and soon iMessage and Google Huddle, are getting people used to see IM as their phonebook or phonebook alike. RCS-e can allow carriers to surf that wave to their advantage. RCS-e is arriving perhaps late but with nice assets:

- Carriers can get manufacturers to include RCS-e (messaging) client in mid, and even low, device tiers.
- Interoperability, use the IM with the same reliability than SMS: the IM will arrive whatever carrier is serving your contact.
- In many countries telcos are required to know real customer identities. Carrier-based IM can then be used to facilitate and intermediate transactions, especially interesting in countries where banking access is basically done through the mobile phone.
- Telco API's to easily create person to solution use cases, that can be accessed through phonebook entries. It may replicate the success of SMS for VAS: once the use of SMS is learnt, it is the same to send an SMS to a person than to a service (sms-to-tv, buy ringtones, voting, etc).
- RCS-e VideoShare is a very powerful feature to be used as tool for live streaming or multimedia user generated content, competing with advantages over current closed OTT solutions.
- Also, telcos can offer RCS-e as ubiquitous access, offering clients for screens where perhaps the connectivity is not theirs (i.e: a Widget capable TV connected to another telco DSL).

RCS-e is not only about personal messaging but a service enabler, and even, RCS-e and OTT offering may co-exist and be complementary in delighting the user/customers, then not too late nor too little.
Your views?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Solaiemes launches a new site explaining our RCS-e portfolio

We just launched a new company site focused in the RCS-e portfolio aiming to allow to undertand our proposition for RCS-e in 20 minutes combining short introductory texts and videos.
We explain our 5 RCS-e platforms to help carriers to offer more than a new messaging player but a powerful enabler of value added services, alternative to apps and mobile browsing.
also accessible as

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Solaiemes opens RCS-e VideoShare to internet use cases with LiveServe product

We are proud of the adaptation of our first product (LiveServe) to RCS-e to help telcos and ecosystem to build compelling use cases using telco features as communication enablers for 3rd party solutions.
The LiveServe RCS-e media server combined with the RCS-e Solution Gateway API's allow to create use cases as the below example, a live video streaming site created on blogger. No app needed in the mobile, no changes required in the core network, and soon, available in mid tier deviced powering RCS-e native clients. The power of real multimedia from your phonebook.

Feedback welcomed :-)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monetizing RCS-e. Telcos as online security providers to 3rd parties.

Following our last post we now show how the RCS-e End User Confirmation Requests works and how it could be useful for 3rd parties needing to "securize" transactions in a more interactive and real time way that as it is done with SMS.

Solaiemes has an RCS-e End User Confirmation Request Server not only for internal billing messages of the Service Provider (Telco) but opened with API to enable 3rd parties to use the capability becoming a brand new monetizing stream for telcos.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A brand new way to RCS-e monetization: End User Confirmation Request API.

RCS-e includes an amazing feature "End User Confirmation Request" (section 12.3 of the spec ), implementing a new mechanism to communicate with the user about the service and query for confirmation (or not) for actions. In the client UI this might map to, e.g., a pop-up or similar UI element.
The original spec talks about a sample use case, accepting an "extra charge" for a large file transfer. Other RCS-e centered use cases can be thought: terms and conditions acceptance, etc.

But we believe this has the potential to much more, it can be extended to profitable, non-purely RCS-e use cases. With an appropriate API, any screen with RCS-e access can use this for any transaction requiring user confirmation or acceptance. With the carriers as trusted partner, and, of course, charging suitable fees.

In many countries SIM owners are legally identified and RCS-e is backed by the IMS security and AAA framework, the telco can send a "End User Confirmation Request" required by a bank to one of the customers making a credit card transacton to confirm (or to ask to introduce the PIN). With this approach telcos have the tool to become a security masterpiece of online transactions, fits naturally in their role as trusted parties, much more than OTTs are right now.

With an open End User Confirmation Request API, that makes easy to 3rd parties to access this capabilities, carriers can become a provider of "identified confirmations" to lots of services that need better mass market security for their mobile online services such as banking, online ticketing, micropayments...and it could be a new revenue stream generators for carriers. In many forums where the RCS-e pricing is discussed the alternatives are only about end user fees, but there is also the complementary alternative of business models billing 3rd parties for securized and registered transactions, a huge market in the "online" era.

The model is simple. The telco host the platform, and registered 3rd parties can request confirmations through RCS-e (using a simple REST-like API) and pay for them and telcos monetize one of the most valuable assets, subscriber relationship and identity, to provide more security for their own subscriber and helping the ecosystem to build more compelling solutions, win-win-win.

Solaiemes is working on this and will shortly unveil it to the world:

  • RCS-e End User Confirmation Request Server with REST API.
  • Support of RCS-e User Confirmation Request Server pop-up in the Web Clients served from the RCS Thin Client Server.
  • Adding new API calls to RCS Solution Gateway to allow 3rd party developers creating services on top of RCS-e to request "securized" transactions trough the carrier "end user confirmation" service.
the Solaiemes team

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

RCS-e chat with Facebook & Google Talk by Solaiemes

Just to preview our new platform RCS-e <-> XMPP Gateway, an extension of our RCS Solution Gateway product to allow telcos to smoothly interconect their RCS messagin with popular OTT (internet) messaging tooks based on XMPP as Facebook Chat or Google Talk. Soon we will explain more about our platform that does not need hard integration with IMS or IM Server (it is core independent).

The IMS core used in this demo was the Acme Packet Net-Net SMX.
Feedback welcomed

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The new Solaiemes RCS-e Web Client for smartphones

We just released a new version of RCS-e Web Client for smartphones served from our RCS Thin Client Server, with the same look&feel as apps, but with the advantadges of web technology (JQuery), no need to install apps, not permission needed from device or OS providers, just using the browser to provide enhanced messaging, person to person and person to application. Just 2 minutes, have a look.

The IMS core used was the Acme Packet Net-Net SMX.
You can also see the screenshots in our Facebook album here
Feedback welcomed

Monday, May 30, 2011

Solaiemes secures 375 K€ loan from CDTI

Solaiemes secured a soft loan from CDTI to complete the development of its RCS/RCS-e portfolio. This loan from CDTI completes the initial agreement with the CDTI Neotec programme, part of our seed round.
The 375 K€ loan is conditioned to the 125 K€ direct investment from 3rd parties. This mini-round will be covered by business angels and/or new executives taking a stake.
The speeding up of our portfolio development cycle, and new meaningful references to be disclosed in the coming months will mean to put the company in a new stage, consolidate our leadership in the innovation in enhanced messaging and RCS-e, and prepare the company to look for international VC funding to expand our operations to all countries where we are being requested info and we have not local presence or partnership structure yet.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Jose Recio video about Solaiemes.

Jose Recio, talk about Solaiemes story, milestones, product vision, current needs, followed by a portfolio brief review. this video was filmed for the IBM SmartCamp competition.

Monday, April 25, 2011

When the small teams are the only ones who can make the elephants run.

2011 is a very important year for our company, RCS-e is launching, and we are in a good position with 2 ready to market platforms, opening RCS-e and making RCS-e ubiquitous; both interoperated with most core and client vendors, and recognized with the RCS DevChallenge Award as the most innovative RCS solutons.

On the other hand, we are a small team, with limited funding, and facing what the carriers consider "your problem is your size". Obviously it is and egg-and-chicken issue, if customers or potential customers are delaying orders or keeping under NDA the initial references and the company is based in Spain, waiting for VC rounds is basically expect a miracle, and we also gave up trying to actively raise funding (but of course, new business angels or VC's are welcomed on board).

We understood that the "risk avoidance" way of thinking from decision takers is still present coming from decades of inertia, but the timing has changed. The established telecom giant vendors have failed to move the telco elephants but the elephants need to move in the new scenario where they have the OTT's as competitors.

Most of the alternative OTT's are also small team, working fast and with offerings tested and used everyday by zillions of individuals ... their technologies work, are proven to be scalable and their vision is accepted by the users. Of course, Skype is now a relatively big company, but what about WhatsApp? great messaging product by a small focused team.

If telcos need to make feasible their own alternative OTT vision, they need to rely on small companies: motivated teams to help them moving to the next stage. Reluctance to work with small companies means missing opportunities, stay stopped while things happens around you, and new scenarios and business communication models are apearing every day. We are eager to cooperate with telcos & the telco business need some fresh blood, take us in count and elephants will run faster than the Road Runner :-)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Review of IMS World Forum 2011

Last week in Barcelona took place the 8th IMS World Forum (by Informa Telecom&Media). It was quite impressive how the number of delegates, speakers and sponsors were up from previous editions and most important, now optimism regarding IMS future was present.
All keynotes and panels were very interesting, and both carriers and suppliers took about present and future strategies and current deployments. Also the analysts have a leading role trying to get the most of possible info to be discussed. As a summary, the key points that in our opinion are the key takeaways are:

  • Finally IMS "is happening".
  • LTE and RCS-e seem to be the key enablers
  • There are appearing simplified IMS "cores" to make easy and affordable the IMS.
  • The business models are converging and at the same way that OTT's are being in some way "telcos", telcos must become soon in some ways "OTT's".  IMS should be the technological base of a Telco-OTT style. This was our point in the 2 panels we participated.
  • Carriers are starting to test some OTT models, Telefonica acquisition of local social network Tuenti, and launching an associated MVNO could be a good example. Still to see how to integrate telco technology to make better the OTT delivery.
  • Very interesting strategies explained by Verizon Wireless (US) & Rogers (Canada).

The exhibitors booths showcase their IMS architecture, and yes, it seems now it is happening. Particulary interesting the SMX product by Acme Packet, a cost-effective IMS architecture to allow whatever type of service provider to enable IMS services as VoIP & RCS-e. RCS-e could be enabled with SMX without the need of Instant Messaging server if the carrier prefers to launch without chat 1-to-many and store&forward features. A good trade off then.

And last, we hope to see IMS and their key enablers launchs very soon in many places, and of course we are eager to participate, remember our RCS Open&Ubiquitous trial as a Service :-)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

GSMA video featuring RCS DevChallenge Winning products.

The GSMA just uploaded to their RCS Channel in Youtube a video filmed during the past MWC with the winners of RCS DevChallenge Competition. You can see there the products of Jibe Mobile (best RCS mobile client) , Movial (best RCS pc client)  and Solaiemes (best RCS innovation). In our demo you can see how interacting using chat with services based on RCS Solution Gateway, and also our RCS Web Client based on RCS Thin Client Server including the History feature.

Kudos to GSMA for pushing RCS ahead.
regards :-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Proposal to telcos, Try RCS/RCS-e Open & Ubiquitous as a Service!

2011 is going to be the year of the first launchs of Rich Communication Suite, and the year when all the carriers might explore the RCS ways of monetization further the personal messaging service. Solaiemes RCS portfolio has been envisioned to help carriers to overcome the "app store" model where they are mainly "supporting role" and move to the "service contact store" or "network based solutions" with a very simple, powerful and common enabler, the enhanced phonebook.

We can interoperate easily with leading IMS, messaging& SBC  vendors, we can prove that, and once did that, the idea is helping telcos to develope their own cases on top of RCS and their own RCS thin client to make RCS ubiquitous. As our approach is UNI (user to network interface) our platforms can be safely placed in the cloud, as they behave as clients. Then we can offer a test enviroment for creating use cases for your own market research, user experience surveys, & creating automatic procedures to test terminal clients, defining particular needs to offer the API's to developers once the service will be launch.

Time is gold, and all the actors may cooperate reducing bureaucracy, and start working in what really matters, making RCS happen and becoming the telco alternative to apps. We designed a package (it could be customized) to be contracted from 3 months terms and with a nice discount for full year contracts.

Package (contract based on quarters or just 1 year with discount)

  • 1 RCS Solution Gateway dedicated in the cloud
  • 1 RCS Thin Client Server dedicated in the cloud
  • Interoperation Service with Carrier RCS System (IMS+IM+SBC Server or just using IMS+SBC at all). Carrier can choose RCS-e or RCS release 2 spec.
  • 1 Webinar
  • Initial customization of 2 thin (Web) clients
  • 8x5 support
  • 1 Full documentation of RCS Solution API's
  • 9 engineer days/quarter to prepare or help to prepare on demand demos.
  • 3 days/month of 24/7 support to be used on important demos or events.
Special discounts for additional profesional services, on site training and future "on premise" licenses.

And the price ? Ask us, but just a clue, less than 6 figures for a full year !!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Yes, our RCS portfolio is supporting new RCS-e spec!

After the past Mobile World Congress we were asked about future alignment of our RCS portfolio including RCS Solution Gateway and RCS Thin Client Server with the RCS-e spec promoted by leading carriers and just announced with comitted launch dates during the past MWC.
We just posted our views about this new scenario and now we are pleased to announce our platforms will be working as dual RCS release 2 and RCS-e after implementing the dynamic discovery capabilities based on SIP OPTIONS and will be adding all the feature set described in further specs of coming RCS-e.
As one of the argued reasons for new RCS-e is the need of early launch, and Solaiemes considers the real value of RCS-e will be as key enabler not only for personal messaging but alternative access to rich solutions/use cases (our open/ubiquitous RCS vision), from whatever device, it is mandatory to be on time to have our platforms at the launch dates :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Solaiemes to exhibit at CTIA WIRELESS 2011.

Solaiemes will participate as exhibitor in the coming CTIA Wireless 2011 show to be celebrated in Orlando (US) the next 22-24th of March.
Our stand will be the 1440-B inside the Spanish Pavillion area.
We will showcase our compelling RCS/RCS-e portfolio including the RCS Solution Gateway, Winner of GSMA RCS DevChallenge Innovation Category.
We are looking forward to meet there:

  • Telco infrastructure vendors to partner.
  • Carriers aiming to deploy RCS open to services/solutions and ubiquitous.
  • VC's, yes, time for a proper round :-)

Send as an email or a Twitter DM to schedule a meeting and know more about us.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just took out from the oven, our MWC 2011 Highlights video

This Mobile World Congress has been amazing for us, with very good news. We edited a video with our highlights, "the discloseable ones" ;-), to share with all of you.

the Solaiemes team

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Solaiemes, GSMA RCS DevChallenge Innovation Category Winner.

We are happy, very happy, 15 months ago we deciced to focus on RCS, being a very risky decision, and now, finally carriers seem to be deploying RCS-e as announced yesterday and today, just one day after, we won the GSMA RCS DevChallenge competition in the Innovation Category.

The Solaiemes team thanks all the people supporting us, providing good feedback, customers, partners, analysts, and our VC, Eurecan.
We hope this could be a new start, having from now on to have more opportunities to work together with carriers "to deliver the next big thing in communications to the masses" :-)

Some pics from this journey here, in our Facebook page.

Monday, February 14, 2011

It is official, RCS launches in 2011 in major markets. RCS-e new approach, our views

This afternoon during the GSMA RCS Seminar at Mobile World Congress, 5 of the biggest carriers: Telefonica, Vodafone, Orange, TIM, T-Mobile announced their full commitment to RCS and announced the launch of fully interoperated RCS services between second half of 2011 and first quarter of 2012. These leading service providers took the lead and presented a previously agreed subset of RCS 2.0 branded as RCS-e as their alternative.
For us, Solaiemes, it is a good move, stop thinking about new releases 3.0. 4.0 and so on and deciding finally to walk the walk and stop talking the talk :-). More important, this new spec is open for adoption to all carriers interested and open to ecosystem.
RCS-e changes the approach for presence, moving from presence server to a dynamic capabilities discovering based on "SIP OPTIONS". From our point of view it is a minor change in our platforms, we scheduled 3-4 weeks to adapt Solaiemes RCS Thin Client Server and RCS Solution Gateway. Solaiemes first product, LiveServe, an IMS VideoShare application server is already supporting "SIP OPTIONS" for discovering capabilities.
We hope this big move from carriers will be reflected in their budgets for RCS, and start investing to match the tentative launch dates they announced today.

Solaiemes Team.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Trip to Silicon Valley.

Solaiemes participated during the past week in MadridTech, an initiative from PromoMadrid (promoting internationalization of Madrid firms) and CEIM (Madrid's general industry association), in partnership with Opinno, to introduce the "most promising startups the Madrid region has to offer" to San Francisco and Silicon Valley vibrant entrepreneur and investor communities.

Together with other 9 companies, we have spent five days participating in networking events, visiting companies big and small, meeting prospects, potential investors and exchanging ideas and point of views with fellow entrepreneurs.

Opinno team has done an excellent job in the previous weeks supporting us, understanding the different companies businesses, finding and setting up meetings with appropriate contacts, ... They have a truly great network of contacts that can only grow better as the time passes.

The visit has been far from a tourist trip: interesting, motivating, and inspiring, but also very useful, we have met and got closer to very interesting contacts, an embryonic network that hopefully we will capitalize in the next months, surely lots of hard work ahead, but also plenty of opportunities. PromoMadrid and CEIM have also setup an international trade advisor, working with the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, it will surely help.

Ways and means are very different in San Francisco ... there are good and not so good aspects; plentiful money (at least from the Spanish perspective), positive energy and "can do" attitude by everybody (big and small, VP and just-out-of-the-college entrepreneur) are an integral part of the Silicon Valley culture. Difficult to transplant here to Spain, it would need a cultural change that we don't see happening soon.

Thanks to PromoMadrid and CEIM for inviting us to participate, congratulations and best luck to the participants, and kudos to Opinno for the excellent work !!!

Jose Recio

Monday, January 31, 2011

Solaiemes to exhibit at Mobile World Congress 2011

Hi, just to announce that we will be exhibiting at MWC 2011 in Barcelona, 14-17th February. Our main stand will be at Spanish Pavilion, CY22, Stand 3, Courtyard (Hall 3.0) and also will be exhibiting during some slots at GSMA RCS DevChallenge zone at AppGarage.
Please contact us if you want to setup a meeting, or just visit us at our booth. While counting the days prior to the event, you can see our video-spot announcing what Solaiemes will offer.

We are also competing in the RCS DevChallenge as shorlisted Finalist in the RCS Innovation category, wish us luck!
The Solaiemes team

Monday, January 17, 2011

GSMA video of the RCS DevChallenge Meet

Find below the video shooted during the RCS DevChallenge meet in London held the past december. You can see briefly some demos from several entrants, several entrants and jury members opinions about the Rich Communication Suite potential. Solaiemes co-founder Jose Recio is talking at point 1'10".

Glad to see GSMA pushing RCS awareness not only to the telco but also the ecosystem.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RCS History feature. All your communications wherever you go.

We are releasing a new feature of the RCS Thin Client Server, the RCS History. The RCS History enables the access from the RCS thin clients (web based), with the same look&feel based on CSS to you past communication history, ordered. Our aim is to help carriers to offer a more "OTT succesful approach" to boost the usage of their coming mass market enablers as RCS, combining cloud communications and cloud storage, where carriers can keep a leading role.

See the screenshots of RCS History in a smartphone & a tablet here